Daniel Geiger wrote:
I think it would be very good to have a unique Fedora sound theme
(Ubuntu has one of its own, one that seems very polished compared to the
default Gnome sounds). What would it take to do so?
To put it simply: we don't have yet contributors able and wiling to a
new sound theme.
The bunch of us here are mostly skilled with graphics. And arguably,
working on sounds has a higher barrier to entry: on top of skill and
experience you need also some hardware and software, the hardware cost
money and the software for sound processing is not very well present in
Also, if there are not plans already for this, I would like to see
Firefox and OpenOffice have an Echo icon theme enabled by default (I
believe again, Ubuntu has something like that, only not installed by
OpenOffice.org need a very large number of icons, Firefox also need some
more icons and only a few people work on Echo, all of them in their
spare time. Is a problem of manpower.
And we are somewhat split in the opinion *if* Echo is the future for
Fedora (for example, there is a number of supporters for a personalized
version of Tango, just like Ubuntu do and a small number of supporters
of a renewed Bluecurve).
default, AFAIK). Another Firefox/OpenOffice wish, they don't exactly
integrate as well with gtk; is there any way to fix that?
And the integration would be even lower without the hard work done
upstream by a number of Red Hat developers. The integration is better
with every new release.
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
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