Thanks for your critics and suggestion. I take a look at it, as you
sugested, and two or three ideas came to my mind - and result are four
slightly different icons. First idea is to take the house part of the
user-home icon alone and change its perspective, second is to take both
the folder and house and change its perspective and third idea is to add
an arrow to it to signalize action. I attach pngs only, but if you want
I can also supply svgs. And there are no shadows yet.
Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
Quoting Martin Sourada <martin.sourada@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi again,
I made the icons for 16x16, 24x24 and 48x48 sizes and tried to follow
echo guidlines. I attach all. What do you think?
This go-home icon looks odd because it looks out of place in echo world. It will
on kids theme IMHO.
I suggest to take a look on user-home icon from echo so you can get some ideas.

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