[Fwd: [Fedora Project Wiki] Update of "Artwork/ReleaseGraphics" by DianaFong]

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May I ask *why* we now have two pages for essentially the same thing?

I was under the impression that the second page was created as a draft to merge so I took the time to merge the two since they had a lot of redundant information. Now there's two pages again.

I just don't understand.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fedora Project Wiki] Update of "Artwork/ReleaseGraphics" by DianaFong
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 22:55:59 -0000
From: fedorawiki-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: fedorawiki-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Fedora Project Wiki" for change notification.

The following page has been changed by DianaFong:

+ ## page was renamed from Artwork/ThemingOverviewInProgress
  [:Artwork: Artwork] > [:Artwork/ThemingOverview: ThemingOverview]

- This page has been merged with [:Artwork/ThemingOverview: ThemingOverview].
+ [[TableOfContents]]

+ = Fedora Release Graphics =
+ There are many components in Fedora, whose visual elements can be changed...thus is the power of Open Source software. With this, an entire distribution can be unified by creating a common theme across the various customizable screens. The following is a list of components + (in general order) that goes into re-theming a distribution. Also included are screenshots of Fedora Core 5 and 6 to illustrate the possible changes as well as to show Fedora Core's visual progression.
+ [[BR]][[BR]]
+ If you've got great design ideas but are not technically-inclined, or would like to learn how to code your own themes but need help...upload your mockups to [:Artwork/ThemeConcepts: ThemeConcepts] and post a link to [http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-art-list fedora-art-list], to get started.
+ [[BR]][[BR]]
+ These are the notes and specifications I've accumulated from having completed 4-5 release designs. I realize that some of the info posted here might not agree with some specs but this is what I've found to work. If you find serious discrepancies or have questions, contact me or post to [http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-art-list fedora-art-list]. [DianaFong]
+ == Anaconda Prompt Screen ==
+ ||<^ |6> [[ImageLink(01Syslinux.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Splash screen used at the boot prompt with syslinux/isolinux. This gets transformed into the syslinux specific format. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || same image, two locations: [[BR]]/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/syslinux-splash.png and [[BR]]/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/syslinux-splash.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || 640x300 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || 16 color palette (should be an indexed .png with #000000, #ffffff, #cdcfd5, #5b6c93, and #c90000 in your palette). || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(01fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(01fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] || + ||<-3> '''Testing Notes:''' The final file format of this graphic is 'lss'. To test it out there are programs available such as ppmtolss that will let you convert this image to lss to try it out (of course to use that you'd have to convert to ppm first. :) ) Once you have converted it to lss, create an installation CD, putting your newly-created lss file in the /isolinux directory, naming it 'splash.lss'. --[MairinDuffy] ||
+ == Anaconda Screen - Splash ==
+ ||<^ |11> [[ImageLink(02AnacondaSplash.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || This is the the "splash" component to the Installation Wizard. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the header [1] and the center image [2]. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] File Name + Extension: || usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/anaconda_header.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Size: || 800x88 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] File Name + Extension: || usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/splash.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Size: || The current graphic is 507x388 pixels. This image has some flexibility to vary in size. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Image01 should include the following Copyright text: [[BR]]`Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.` || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(02fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(02fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == Anaconda Screen - Progress ==
+ ||<^ |12> [[ImageLink(03AnacondaProgress.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || This is the the "progress" component to the Installation Wizard. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the header [1] (same as Anaconda Prompt Screen - Splash) and the center image [2b/c]. || + ||<-2 style="background-color: #EBEBEB;"> [1] Same as graphic [1] from Anaconda Prompt Screen - Splash || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2b] File Name + Extension: || usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/progress_first.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2b] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2b] Size: || 500x325 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2b] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[2c] File Name + Extension: || usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/progress_first-lowres.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[2c] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[2c] Size: || 350/225 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[2c] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Both 2b/c should include the following Copyright text: [[BR]]`Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.` || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(03fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(03fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader) ==
+ ||<^ |12> [[ImageLink(04Grub.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Seen every time the computer boots, this screen is where the selection of which kernel to run and other boot-time options, are made. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || 640x480 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || 16 color palette (should be an indexed .xpm, compressed with gzip with #000000 and #ffffff in your palette). || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || The selection bar is black and so the image created should take care to allow for the selection bar to be visible. || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(04fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(04fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == RHGB (Red Hat Graphical Boot) ==
+ ||<^ |18> [[ImageLink(05RHGBa.png)]] [[BR]] 1. Graphic "Hide Detail" Mode [[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]] [[ImageLink(05RHGBb.png)]] [[BR]] 2. Text "Show Detail" Mode ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Shown as the machine starts up...users can toggle between [[BR]] 1. Graphic "Hide Detail" mode and [[BR]] 2. Text "Show Detail" mode || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Size: || The current image is 320x396 pixels and gets scaled to a height of screen_height/2. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image02] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/rhgb/system-logo.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image02] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image02] Size: || The current image is 183x45 pixels and gets scaled to a height of 0.075*screen_height. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image02] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[color01 & color02] File Name + Extension: || splash.c || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[color01 & color02] Package: || RHGB || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[color01 & color02] Specs: || Provide HEX numbers for these colors. The colors of the rhgb screen are hardcoded in splash.c. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[T] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/rhgb/throbber-anim.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[T] Package: || RHGB || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[T] Size: || The current throbber is a 288x24 pixels image, with the height of a small icon (24 pixels) and the width equal to the sum of the animted frames horizontally positioned next to each other (currently 12 frames). || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[T] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || The background color02 set for this section will be the same screen color during firstboot. Make sure color02 works with the graphic used in firstboot.|| + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(05fc5a.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(05fc6a.png,width=120,height=90)]] [[BR]] FC5: [[ImageLink(05fc5b.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(05fc6b.png,width=120,height=90)]] || + ||<-3> '''Testing Notes:''' (write-up by Andy Shellam) The RHGB screens are simply PNG images in the /usr/share/rhgb folder, and can be replaced by custom ones. To create a custom "throbber" (the animation of a few circles spinning round), create a PNG image of 288x24 - then in that image you need 12 images of 24x24 placed side-by-side, so when viewed left to right - that's your animation. Replace the /usr/share/rhgb/throbber-anim.png image with your image, reboot and you're sorted! In Fedora, the /usr/share/rhgb/large-computer.png isn't used - there are 2 other images - one which is the fedora system logo (the bubbly f), the other is the word "fedora" in the bottom-right corner. Replace these with your own PNGs and bingo, you've got a nice customised system :) More information at [http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/~mcgrof/grub-images/] ||
+ == First Boot ==
+ ||<^ |12> [[ImageLink(06Firstboot.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Walks user through additional configuration of their system post-installation. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the banner along the left side [1] and a splash image [2]. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/firstboot/pixmaps/firstboot-left.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Size: || 160x600 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[1] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/firstboot/pixmaps/splash-small.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Size: || 560x320 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[2] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || On large screens, firstboot will not resize to fill the window. Instead, the background color02 chosen for RHGB will be the background color. || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(06fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(06fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Additional artwork for firstboot is located in the /usr/share/firstboot/pixmaps directory/. --[MairinDuffy] || + ||<-3> '''Testing Notes:''' Copy all of your artwork to /usr/share/firstboot/pixmaps, making sure to backup the originals if you care about them. :) Now, run (as root), '''/usr/sbin/firstboot --debug'''. This will spew a bunch of stuff out to your terminal - let it finish - and eventually you'll see a firstboot item appear in your tasklist/window list. Firstboot likes to pop under you see :) So you'll need to click the 'show desktop' icon in the lower left corner of your screen to hide all of your open windows, then click on the firstboot item in the tasklist/window list to see firstboot running with your artwork. You should be able to click through the screens. --[MairinDuffy] ||
+ == GDM (Gnome Display Manager) ==
+ ||<^ |7> [[ImageLink(07GDM.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Login Screen. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/gdm/themes/X (where X is the theme name)/background.png + gdm ''(see link mentioned under '''Note''')'' || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || background.png goes in fedora-logos / redhat-logos [[BR]] gdm goes in redhat-artwork || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || Can be any size you want, but try to make a layout that can be “liquid.” When designing, please consider users with lower screen resolution and also users with widescreen monitors. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Design with plenty of space for text to shirnk and grow to accommodate translated text. [[BR]][[BR]] More information, visit [http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/docs/2.16/thememanual.html Gnome Display Manager Reference Manual].|| + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(07fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(07fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] || + ||<-3> '''Testing Notes:''' Testing GDM themes for a widescreen monitor when you don't have a widescreen monitor, type the following in a terminal: [[BR]]'''-''' 'EXPORT DOING_GDM_DEVELOPMENT = 1' [[BR]]'''-''' 'Xnest -ac -geometry 1680x525 :123 &' [[BR]]'''-''' 'DISPLAY=:123 /usr/bin/gdmgreeter' --[MairinDuffy] ||
+ == GNOME Splash Screen ==
+ '''NOTE:''' Please don't focus on this graphic piece as it's turned off by default in both upstream and Fedora's GNOME.
+ ||<^ |10> [[ImageLink(08ExtensionSplash.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Splash screen after a user succesfully authentificated on login screen. `Currently off by default.` || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/gnome-splash.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || The current image is 503x420, though the dialog will adapt to slightly different sizes. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7">[color01] File Name + Extension: || splash-widget.c || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[color01] Package: || gnome-session || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[color01] Specs: || Provide HEX numbers for color01. The color of the GNOME splash screen is hardcoded in splash-widget.c. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || The position of the icons and text is hardcoded in splash-widget.c in gnome-session and may need tweaking for a different image. [[BR]][[BR]]Image01 should include the following Copyright text: `Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.`|| + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(08fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(08fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == Background/Wallpaper ==
+ ||<^ |10> [[ImageLink(09Background.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Background for desktop. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || usr/share/backgrounds/images/default.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || Currently supporting five (5) popular sizes. Their names and corresponding sizes are as follows:[[BR]]- default.jpg (2048x1536)[[BR]]- default-5_4.jpg (1280 x 1024)[[BR]]- default-dual.jpg (2560x1240)[[BR]]- default-dual-wide.jpg (2560 x 960)[[BR]]- default-wide.jpg (1680 x 1050) || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Create variations for the five sizes listed above. [[BR]][[BR]]Some colors might appear brighter or darker depending on the monitor, please test the image on a variety of monitors for optimal use.|| + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(09fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(09fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == GNOME Screensaver Lock Dialog ==
+ '''NOTE:''' Please don't focus on this graphic piece as it's turned off by default in both upstream and Fedora's GNOME.
+ ||<^ |10> [[ImageLink(10LockDialog.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Login dialog which appears when the user returns after screensaver is running. ''Currently off by default.'' || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">File Name + Extension: || user/share/gnome/screensaver/lock-dialog-system.png + lock-dialog-system.gtkrc|| + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Size: || 400x314 pixels|| + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || Design with space for text to shrink and grow to accommodate prompts, translated text, as well as long usernames.|| + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(10fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(10fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == KDE Splash ==
+ ||<^ |26> [[ImageLink(11KDEsplash.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || KDE ksplash is a part of redhat-logos. The theme should be installed in /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X (X is the name of the Theme). There is one (1) preview image, one (1) resource file, and Image01 is comprised of four (4) pieces. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/Preview.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Size: || 400x244 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[resource file] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/Theme.rc|| + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[resource file] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.a] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/splash_top.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.a] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.a] Size: || 400x244 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.a] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.b] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/splash_inactive_bar.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.b] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.b] Size: || 400x51 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.b] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.b] Note: || The splash_inactive_bar.png has 7 embedded icons which represents the status during KDE start. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.c] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/splash_active_bar.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.c] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.c] Size: || 400x51 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.c] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01.c] Note: || The splash_active_bar.png has 7 embedded icons which represents the status during KDE start. The background and the embedded icons should be the same from splash_inactive_bar.png. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.d] File Name + Extension: || /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X/splash_bottom.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.d] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.d] Size: || 400x16 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[image01.d] Colors: || black || + ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(11fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(11fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||
+ == KDE Login ==
+ ||<^ |16> [[ImageLink(12KDElogin.png)]] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || KDE Login is comprised of one (1) preview image, one (1) background color designation, and Image01 which is the logo. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] File Name + Extension: || screenshot.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Package: || to be filled in || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Size: || 200x150 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[01] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[resource file] File Name + Extension: || Theme.rc|| + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[resource file] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] File Name + Extension: || to be filled in.png || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Package: || fedora-logos / redhat-logos || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Size: || 327x156 pixels || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBEB;">[image01] Colors: || No color limitations. || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7">[color01] File Name + Extension: || to be filled in || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[color01] Package: || to be filled in || + ||<^ style="color: #636363;" rowstyle="background-color: #D7D7D7;">[color01] Specs: || Provide HEX numbers for color01. The user can change the color during KDE starting. ||
+  ||<^> '''NOTE:''' || To be filled in.||
+ ||<-2> FC5: [[ImageLink(12fc5.png,width=120,height=90)]] FC6: [[ImageLink(12fc6.png,width=120,height=90)]] ||

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