Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le samedi 11 novembre 2006 à 18:02 -0500, Máirín Duffy a écrit :
Hi Andrea, you've posted on the right list, but most themers seem to
insist on using fedora-art-list instead, so I'm pushing it there
No, fedora-art-list *is* the appropriate list. fedora-desktop-list is
more aimed towards development discussions (although in practice its
less focused.)
I still think it's not ;) as theming involves usability and other
concerns, not just pretty colours (that's why I don't like evaluating on
screenshots only BTW)
The Fedora artwork team in concerned about usability too. So calling the
work merely pretty colors is waving off the interaction designers who
are involved here.
Fedora-art-list mailing list