Hi Jovan
Jovan Spasojevic wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 25.10.2006, 13:56 +0200 schrieb Jovan Spasojevic:
you have primary to put your ideas on fedoraprojekt.org. But you can put
your ideas on fedora-club.de too. If you wish to put in on
fedora-club.de too send the graphics to support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and i'll
put them in the webgallery if you want.
If you'd like to help the Fedora Artwork project, we have a long
standing request (see http://mihmo.livejournal.com/25371.html) for a
gallery application that makes it easy to find/download, contribute, and
manage versions of Fedora artwork. I think it really is quite necessary,
though, that such a system is managed by the Fedora system
administration crew. If you are willing to talk to them and work with
them to set up a system we can use, that would be amazingly awesome.
I don't think, however, it would be wise for either you or us to rely on
your server as the official Fedora Artwork project gallery solution, as
that puts a lot of load on you alone and it also causes us to have to
rely on a system that is not managed by the Fedora project which is a
big risk for us.
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