Hi Luya,
Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
Learning the lesson on the artwork development for Fedora Core 6, I
wrote some ideas about the future look of Fedora Core 7 which can be seen:
Thanks for starting this discussion! :)
* Echo development icons is set to be the default.
This I think is pending a lot of different factors so I don't know that
we can assure this for FC7.
* New wallpaper, login screen derived from Mola/Mizmo ideas that needs
to match Echo theme
I don't think the theming work has to be made to match Echo. I think as
long as it incorporates the Fedora blue colors they'll go well together
just fine.
I'm also not sure what ideas you're referring to :) We should probably
resurrect the theming brainstorming page [1], update it for FC7 and add
some of the things that have been proposed since then (I remember some
cool things discussed on the list wrt FC7 a month or so ago.)
* The login screen needs to get a user list which was missing since
Fedora Core 1. There is a Gnome version of list login screen that can be
used as a sample.
It is fine to create a GDM theme that includes the user list, but the
user list version cannot be made the default GDM theme. The primary
concern is security - a list of usernames on the login screen makes it
easier to guess passwords.
* Legacy artwork from Fedora Core 4 to Fedora Core 6 should be added for
users looking to have them. Packaging them in Fedora Extras might be a
good way.
That's a cool idea, but is it then okay to have the release numbers in
the artwork? (Would be weird to have FC6-specific artwork in FC7, for
example?) Should we make it a policy to leave release numbers out?
(makes it impossible then to come up with release-version specific
artwork such as the c6re [2] logo.)
* Bluecurve should be moved to Extras repository once Echo theme is
* It appears Cairo engine is very stable. It will be be nice to for some
people to generate an enhanced Clearlook theme for Fedora Core 7.
Developing a theme is pretty difficult & time-consuming but if we can
get some good mockups early on then it'd be easier to hit FC7.
* Since there is a lot KDE users, provide the artworks to smoothly blend
with Gnome applications.
I'm not sure what you mean by smoothly blend with GNOME applications? Do
you mean the theming work for GNOME should also be done for KDE? Is
anybody on the list a KDE user or knowledgable about KDE such they could
advise us on this?
* Making Anaconda look very pleasant without compromising the performance.
I'm not sure what you mean here - the colors available? The design of
the screens? Some things there isn't a whole lot there can be done about
because of technical limitations. If there are specific issues we want
to target let's create a list and I can discuss it with Jeremy Katz and
see how much is possible.
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/ThemeSubmissions
[2] http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/37918014
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