Mairin, This is exciting news but I have a few comments and questions being the new guy on the block. First, who ever produced the current theme did a really good job. IMO it is one of the best available. I see a lot of thought and effort went into creating and crafting it. However, a lot will be said when FC6 is released on it's looks and I believe folks will desire something new or improved. > We can have a new theme in FC6, but we've got to get it in by next > Tuesday (September 5) which is the test 3 freeze. After it gets in of > course we can fix bugs and whatnot but it should really be the best > it > can possibly be for test 3. I am assuming the decision that really must be made by 09/05 is to change themes or keep the current. I also assume that improvements will be accepted to the selected theme until 10/02. If 09/05 is the final date, is five days enough time to measurably improve the status quo? If 10/02 is the final date, then I see two choices. 1. Improve the current theme. or 2. Implement the DNA theme. A choice to improving the current theme could be making it more glassy. Mark Shuttleworth has stated on numerous occasions he wants Ubuntu to be more polished. If you look behind the curtain I believe you will see the word "polished" has been translated into "glassy". 28art%29 I am not suggesting Fedora has to be like Ubuntu but the themeing direction of other distro's shouldn't be ignored. The media will evaluate a distro on how it performs and how it looks. I believe the amount of effort of either decision would be about the same. It looks like the task list is as follows. > - GDM theme - we already have this but can stand to have some > graphical > modifications. It needs to keep same layout though so we don't have > to > modify the GDM theme markup too heavily. > - GNOME/KDE splash Gnome splash KDE splash XFCE splash {?} > - GRUB splash 16 color, 640 x 480 {?} > - syslinux splash ("Anaconda Prompt Screen" on the themeing overview) Does syslinux splash = Anaconda Prompt Screen {?} > - anaconda artwork What is the complete list {?} > - firstboot artwork 16 color, 640 x 480 {?} > - RHGB splash What is the current? > - screensaver lock Doesn't this come from GUI {?} > - (optional) GTK theme Clear looks {?} / compiz {?} > - (optional) icon theme Status quo {?} What about the default wall paper/background? To conclude, I am happy to assist in anyway possible. John _______________________________________________ Fedora-art-list mailing list Fedora-art-list@xxxxxxxxxx