Fedora Weekly News 254

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* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 254
o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora Announcement News
# Election Results for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Fedora Board seats
# Fedora Board
# FAmSCo
+ 1.1.2 Fedora Development News
# exiv2 soname bump
# poppler soname bump in rawhide
# Changes against 0.15.1:
# API changes against 0.15.1:
# libsigsegv-2.9 update, abi bump
+ 1.1.3 Fedora Events
# Upcoming Events (Dec 2010 - Feb 2011)
# Past Events
# Additional information
o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
o 1.3 Marketing
o 1.4 Fedora In the News
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 12 approaches end of life (The H Online - UK)
+ 1.4.2 Fedora renews committees (Pro Linux - Germany)
o 1.5 Translation
+ 1.5.1 Troubles with translate.fedoraproject.org
+ 1.5.2 FLP FAQ Updated
+ 1.5.3 New Members in FLP
o 1.6 Design
+ 1.6.1 Start Page
o 1.7 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.1 Fedora 14 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.2 Fedora 13 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.3 Fedora 12 Security Advisories

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 254 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 254[1] for the week ending December 
10, 2010. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

We begin this week's issue with announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including election Results for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Fedora Board seats and 
several development announcement updates to rawhide. In news from the 
Planet Fedora, work on improving the Anaconda and syslinux User 
Experience, "This Week in Anaconda #6", recent improvements to systemd, 
and an invitation to help get TeX Live into Fedora. In Marketing team 
news, a query about survey tools availability for the Fedora Project, 
improving our schedule by changing reminders of task into actionable 
items, and Marketing Meeting Minutes from this past week. Fedora In the 
News this week offers two articles on Fedora from the trade press in the 
UK and Germany. In Translation team news, troubles with the Transiflex 
instance on translate.fedoraproject.org, and updated Fedora Localization 
Project (FLP) FAQ, and news members of the FLP for Russian, Kazakh and 
Spanish. In Design team news, a fresh take on redesigning 
start.fedoraproject.org and discussion around the mockups. We finish off 
with a review of security-related packages released over the past week 
for Fedora 14, 13 and 12.

An audio version of some issues of FWN - FAWN - are available! You can 
listen to existing issues[2] on the Internet Archive. If anyone is 
interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact us!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback: news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue254
2. http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22FWN%22
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel-announce/
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora Announcement News ---

The announcement list is always exclusive for the Fedora Community. 
Please, visit the past announcements at[1]

1. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/announce

---- Election Results for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Fedora Board seats ----

Jared K. Smith announced[1]:

"I'm happy to announce the results of our recent round of elections for 
at-large seats on the Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo. The results are 
as follows:

---- Fedora Board ----

There were two open seats on the Fedora Board this election cycle. A 
total of 239 ballots were cast. Due to the system of range voting that 
we use in Fedora elections, this means that each of the five candidates 
could receive up to 1195 votes (239 ballots multiplied by 5 candidates).

Votes | Candidate

690 | Joerg Simon (irc: kital, FAS: jsimon)
654 | Jaroslav Reznik (irc: jreznik, FAS: jreznik)

554 | David Nalley (irc: ke4qqq, FAS: ke4qqq)
453 | Sandro Mathys (irc: red_alert, FAS: red)
289 | David Ramsey (irc: dramsey, FAS: dramsey)

I'm pleased to welcome Joerg Simon and Jaroslav Reznik to serve full 
two-term positions on the Fedora Board.
-- FESCo

There were four FESCo seats up for election this cycle. A total of 240 
ballots were cast in the FESCo election. Each of the eight candidates 
could receive up to 1920 votes (240 ballots multiplied by 8 candidates).

Votes | Candidate

1168 | Christoph Wickert (irc: cwickert, FAS: cwickert)
1136 | Adam Jackson (irc: ajax, FAS: ajax)
923 | Matthew Garrett (irc: mjg59, FAS: mjg59)
895 | Marcela MaÅlÃÅovà (irc: mmaslano, FAS: mmaslano)

866 | Peter Jones (irc: pjones, FAS: pjones)
711 | Stephen Gallagher (irc: sgallagh, FAS: sgallagh)
562 | Justin M. Forbes (irc: jforbes, FAS: jforbes)
445 | David Ramsey (irc: dramsey, FAS: dramsey)

The top four candidates are Christoph Wickert, Adam Jackson, Matthew 
Garrett, and Marcela MaÅlÃÅovÃ. They will each serve a full two-term 
position in FESCo.
-- FAmSCo

All seven seats on FAmSCo were up for re-election this cycle. There were 
a total of 125 ballots cast in the FAmSCo election. Each of the twelve 
candidates could receive up to 1500 votes (125 ballots multiplied by 12 

Votes | Candidate

729 | Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v, IRC: yn1v)
703 | Larry Cafiero (FAS: lcafiero, IRC: lcafiero)
686 | Rahul Sundaram (FAS: sundaram, IRC: mether)
586 | Gerard Braad (FAS: gbraad, IRC: gbraad)
572 | Igor Soares (FAS: igor, IRC: igorps)
568 | Pierros Papadeas (FAS: ppapadeas, IRC: liknus)
547 | Caius Chance (FAS: kaio, IRC: kaio)

525 | David Ramsey (FAS: dramsey, IRC: dramsey)
477 | Guillermo Gomez Savino (FAS: gomix, IRC: gomix)
452 | Antonio Salles (FAS: asalles, IRC: antoniosalles)
433 | Zoltan Hoppar (FAS: zoltanh721, IRC: zoltanh7211)
331 | Marcus Moeller (FAS: mmoeller, IRC: marcus_)

I welcome Neville A. Cross, Larry Cafiero, Rahul Sundaram, Gerard Braad, 
Igor Soares, Pierros Papadeas, and Caius Chance to serve for two terms 
on FAmSCo.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have 
previously served on the Fedora Board or FAmSCo or FESCo for their hard 
work and dedication to Fedora. I'd also like to thank all the candidates 
and volunteers who participated in this round of elections.

Jared Smith Fedora Project Leader"


--- Fedora Development News ---

The development list[1] is intended to be a LOW TRAFFIC announce-only 
list for Fedora development.

Acceptable Types of Announcements

* Policy or process changes that affect developers.
* Infrastructure changes that affect developers.
* Tools changes that affect developers.
* Schedule changes
* Freeze reminders

Unacceptable Types of Announcements

* Periodic automated reports (violates the INFREQUENT rule)
* Discussion
* Anything else not mentioned above

1. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel-announce

---- exiv2 soname bump ----

Rex Dieter announced[1]:

"exiv2-0.21 was released recently, and includes a soname bump. I plan on 
importing this into rawhide next week sometime, if all goes well.

Here's a scratch build for testing[2]

I've done a few test builds of the items below, and the only one that 
ftbfs is pyexiv2 (a usual suspect, being a low-level binding).

and a list of affected pkgs, $ repoquery --repoid=rawhide-source 
--archlist=src \

--whatrequires exiv2-devel | sort

darktable-0:0.7-1.fc15.src geeqie-0:1.0-4.fc14.src 
gipfel-0:0.3.2-5.fc15.src gnome-color-manager-0:2.91.2-1.fc15.src 
gnome-commander-3: gpscorrelate-0:1.6.1-2.fc14.src 
gthumb-0:2.12.1-1.fc15.src hugin-0:2010.2.0-1.fc15.src 
immix-0:1.3.2-9.fc14.src kdebase-runtime-0:4.5.80-3.fc15.src 
kdegraphics-7:4.5.80-2.fc15.src kipi-plugins-0:1.6.0-1.fc15.src 
koffice-3:2.2.84-2.fc15.src kphotoalbum-0:4.1.1-7.fc15.src 
krename-0:4.0.5-1.fc15.src libextractor-0:0.6.2-1503.fc15.src 
libgexiv2-0:0.2.0-1.fc15.src merkaartor-0:0.16.3-1.fc15.src 
pyexiv2-0:0.2.2-2.fc15.src qtpfsgui-0:1.9.3-5.fc14.src 
rawstudio-0:1.2-6.fc15.20100907svn3521.src strigi-0:0.7.2-6.fc15.src 

2. http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2636872

---- poppler soname bump in rawhide ----

Marek Kasik announced[1][2]


I plan to rebase poppler in rawhide to poppler-0.15.3. There are some 
API changes (see below) and 1 soname bump of libpoppler.so.9 to 
libpoppler.so.11. You can test it against your package with this 
scratch-build[3] I'll ask release engineers for chain-build of it in the 
middle of next week.



----- Changes against 0.15.1: -----


* Improve shadings and antialias in the Splash backend (Bug #30436)
* Linearization improvements
* Small improvements to the Arthur backend
* Fix calculation of the size of some pages (Bug #30784)
* Fix crashes in broken documents
* Improve rendering of radial shadings
* Open a broken file (Bug #31861)
* Correct parsing of linearization table (Bug #31627)
* Find fonts inside patterns (Bug #31948)
* [win32] Simplify strtok_r implementation
* Use a std::vector instead of a var-length-array of chars
* Fix crashes in broken files
* Use sets instead of arrays for looking for duplicate fonts


* Add Page::renderToPainter() method
* Add setDebugErrorFunction() method


* Add the hability to render pages to an image
* Include correction


* Add -p flag to pdfimages
* pdffonts: Remove duplicated code

build system:

* Remove -ansi flag for cywin and mingw

----- API changes against 0.15.1: -----

removed goo/GooVector.h new file Hints.h new file Linearization.h new 
file cpp/poppler-page-renderer.h

All "GooVector<>" has been replaced with "std::vector<>".


- new public function in class image:


- API change of a public function in class Dict:

- new public function in class Dict:


- API changes in constructors of classes FormField, FormFieldButton,
FormFieldText, FormFieldChoice, FormFieldSignature

- API change in a public function of class Form:


- API change in constructor of class StitchingFunction


- API change in functions of class Object:
fetch, dictLookup


- API change in a public function of class OutputDev:

- new public functions in class OutputDev
gouraudTriangleShadedFill, patchMeshShadedFill


- new versions of a public function in class Parser:


- new public functions in class PDFDoc
getLinearization, getPage


- API changes in constructors of class PSOutputDev

- API changes in a public function of class PSOutputDev:

- a public function removed from PSOutputDev:


- new public enum in class Page:

- new public function in class Page:


- new public function in class SplashBitmap:


- destructor of class SplashFontSrc moved to private section


- new public functions in class Splash:
shadedFill, gouraudTriangleShadedFill


- API change in a public function of class SplashPattern:

- API change in a public function of class SplashSolidColor:


3. http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2636922

---- libsigsegv-2.9 update, abi bump ----

Rex Dieter announced[1]

"I'm planning a libsigsegv-2.9 (rawhide) update relatively soon which 
includes an abi change. According to repquery, only the following 
packages should be affected:

* clisp
* gnu-smalltalk

(I'll help take care of these requisite rebuilds)

-- Rex"


--- Fedora Events ---

Fedora events are the exclusive and source of marketing, learning and 
meeting all the fellow community people around you. So, please mark your 
agenda with the following events to consider attending or volunteering 
near you!

---- Upcoming Events (Dec 2010 - Feb 2011) ----

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM): none
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[2]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[3]

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#FY11_Q4_.28Dec._2010_-_Feb._2011.29

---- Past Events ----

Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/PastEvents

-- Additional information

* Reimbursements -- reimbursement guidelines.
* Budget -- budget for the current quarter (as distributed by FAMSCo).
* Sponsorship -- how decisions are made to subsidize travel by community 
* Organization -- event organization, budget information, and regional 
* Event reports -- guidelines and suggestions.
* LinuxEvents -- a collection of calendars of Linux events.

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

MÃirÃn Duffy has been working[1] on improving the Anaconda and syslinux 
User Experience. It's the first thing that anyone sees when they try to 
install Fedora or boot from live media. But don't worry, you can help 
too. "I wrote up some instructions on how you can try this prototype out 
on your own. Itâs really, really easy."

In "This Week in Anaconda #6", Chris Lumens updated[2] us on some other 
happenings in the Anaconda world. Probably the most interesting 
discussion was over the possibility of updating Anaconda after a 
release. "The basic problem is that after a Fedora release, anaconda 
never gets updated though various other tools that anaconda does use do 
get updated. This isn't a problem on most installation media because we 
never remake the media. It is, however, a problem for people doing 
livecd respins. What'll happen is that anaconda will assume a particular 
library call for NetworkManager (just to pick on a component at random) 
that exists when the release happens, but changes in an update."

Lennart Poettering summarized[3] a number of the recent improvements to 
systemd. If you aren't so sure what systemd is, in part 4 of "systemd 
for Adminstrators", Lennart explained[4] how killing of system daemons 

If you have been having trouble getting Fedora 14 to boot as LiveUSB 
media, Marc Ferguson has[5] the answer.

Richard Hughes created[6] mockups of new gnome-control-center power 
management configuration pages.

If you are interested in helping TeX Live in Fedora, Tom Callaway 
offered[7] ways that you can help. "One of the remaining big ticket 
items for legal audit in Fedora is TeX Live. A few years ago, we got a 
version of TeX Live into Fedora, and after the fact, we discovered that 
the licensing on much of it was confusing or non-free."

Alex Hudson analyzed[8] an interesting legal case that is currently 
unfolding, SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Limited. "The basic 
story is that the Judge in this case is deeply unsure of the boundary of 
copyright. For those who donât know, SAS is a statistical package which 
is both popular and influential, and to a large extent can be thought of 
as a programming development environment. WPL, the defendants, wrote 
software which could interpret SAS programs...If nothing else, this 
highlights that no law is truly ever settled, and possibly portents to 
more movement in this area in the future: Iâve described before how the 
UK Government is making noises about revisiting intellectual property 

Mark J Cox published[9] an updated piece on "Vulnerability and threat 
mitigation features in Red Hat Enterprise Linux."

Richard W.M. Jones wondered[10] about a potential new feature for git, 
automating dependency analysis of patches:

"The half-baked idea is whether we can write an automatic tool which can 
untangle these dependencies from the raw git commits? (Or whether such a 
tool exists already, I cannot find one)

There would be one important practical use for such a tool. When cherry 
picking commits for the stable branch, I would like to know which 
previous commits that the commit Iâm trying to apply depends on. This 
gives me extra information: I can decide that applying this commit is 
too disruptive â perhaps it depends on an earlier feature which I donât 
want to add. I can decide to go back and apply the older commits, or 
that a manual backport is the best way."

3. http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-update-2.html
4. http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-4.html
5. http://www.fergytech.com/2010/11/getting-fedora-14-liveusb-to-boot/
7. http://spot.livejournal.com/316126.html
9. http://www.awe.com/mark/blog/20101130.html

-- Marketing --

In this section, we cover the happenings for Fedora Marketing Project 
from 2010-11-24 to 2010-11-30.


Contributing Writer: Neville A. Cross

Pascal Calarco pointed[1] some research made by Ubuntu about their 
weekly news. Something that we can consider doing. He also pointed[2] 
the efforts to have a survey tool in Fedora's infrastructure.

Paul Frields sugested[3] that we can improve our schedule by changing 
reminders of task into actionable items. This also looks for a more 
constant flow of information, rather that everything near release time.

As usual Marketing Meeting Minutes[4] for this week meeting are 
available for the public.


-- Fedora In the News --

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that 
is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1]


Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/

--- Fedora 12 approaches end of life (The H Online - UK) ---

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] another review of Fedora 14, which sums up 
their experience with:

"Fedora Project developer Kevin Fenzi has issued a reminder that Fedora 
12, code named "Constantine", will reach its end of life (EOL) on 
Thursday, the 2nd of December, 2010. Originally released in mid-November 
of last year, Fedora 11 featured the 2.6.31 Linux kernel, version 2.28 
of the GNOME desktop environment, KDE 4.3 and a number of software 
updates. As of the 2nd of December, no new updates, including security 
updates and critical fixes, will be available. The developers strongly 
advise all Fedora 12 users to upgrade to Fedora 13 or 14 to continue 
receiving updates."

The full article is available[2].


--- Fedora renews committees (Pro Linux - Germany) ---

Vinzenz Vietzke forwarded[1] a German language brief article in Pro 
Linux about the recent committee elections:

"Das freie Fedora-Projekt hat neue Mitglieder in seinen Vorstand gewÃhlt 
sowie weitere Gremien neu- bzw. umgesetzt."

"The free Fedora Project elected new members for it's board and further 

The full article is available[2]

2. http://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/16454/fedora-erneuert-gremien.html

-- Translation --

This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) 

Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N

--- Troubles with translate.fedoraproject.org ---

The woes related to the Transifex instance on 
translate.fedoraproject.org still continue whereby translators are 
facing problems accessing and submitting translations[1]. 3 tickets have 
already been filed on the Fedora-Infrastructure ticketing system to 
track the various tasks like Transifex upgradation, Cron jobs for 
translate.fedoraproject.org etc[2]. Translators have been requested to 
file new tickets if they encounter further problems.

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008396.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008416.html

--- FLP FAQ Updated ---

Shankar Prasad from the Kannada team has updated the FAQ[1] with the 
correction method to be used if translations for one language are 
updated for another[2].

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008437.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008412.html

--- New Members in FLP ---

Yuri Khabarov (Russian)[1], Andrey Olykainen (Russian and Kazakh)[2], 
Fabian Barrera (Spanish)[3], Nikolay Rysev (Russian)[4], joined the FLP 

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008411.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008420.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008419.html
4. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-November/008425.html

-- Design --

In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork

--- Start Page ---

Vinzenz Vietzke introduced[1] himself as a new contributor and proposed 
a redesign for the Fedora start page[2] "I reworked 
'start.fedoraproject.org' and made some mock-ups which can be seen in 
the wiki[3]". Jef van Schendel pointed[4] to his own mockup and 
prototype[5] "Looking back I don't think I announced any of this on the 
Websites or Design Team mailing lists, which wasn't smart. After all, if 
it's not on the list, it didn't happen. ;)" and provided advice for Vinzenz.

2. http://start.fedoraproject.org/
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Vinz/Projects#Fedora_startpage
5. http://start.stg.fedoraproject.org/

-- Security Advisories --

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce.


Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

--- Fedora 14 Security Advisories ---

* udev-161-7.fc14 - 
* dracut-006-5.fc14 - 
* udunits2-2.1.19-1.fc14 - 
* openconnect-2.26-4.fc14 - 
* libvpx-0.9.5-2.fc14 - 

--- Fedora 13 Security Advisories ---

* udunits2-2.1.19-1.fc13 - 
* openconnect-2.26-2.fc13 - 
* libvpx-0.9.5-2.fc13 - 

--- Fedora 12 Security Advisories ---

* openconnect-2.26-1.fc12 - 
* kdenetwork-4.4.5-4.fc12 - 

Pascal Calarco, Fedora Ambassador, Indiana, USA
announce mailing list

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