Fedora Week News, Issue 142

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Fedora Weekly News Issue 142

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 142 for the week ending September 7,


This week in Announcements we alert you to the "Fedora 10 Beta Freeze
Coming Soon" and the new "FESCo Issue Tracking". In PlanetFedora "Tech
Tidbits" contains some juicy morsels on evaluating package sizes and
Haskell. In Developments we examine the process of "Getting Back On Our
Feet" after the intrusions. SecurityAnnouncements finally has some
content. Artwork covers "Working on a Sound Theme" and the acceptance of
the "Echo Icon Theme as a Fedora 10 Feature"

Fedora Weekly News keeps you updated with the latest issues, events and
activities in the Fedora community. If you are interested in
contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[1].

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack
Echo Monthly News, Issue 1

Martin Sourada announced[0] the availability of the premiere issue of
"Echo Monthly News[1]." Said Martin, "Since it's our first release it is
not perfect and therefore we will appreciate any feedback, suggestions
for improvement, etc. at the fedora-art-list and #fedora-art at


[1] https://fedorahosted.org/echo-icon-theme/wiki/MonthlyNews/Issue1
Fedora 10 Beta Freeze Coming Soon

Jesse Keating discussed[2] the Fedora 10 Beta schedule. "The new freeze
date is Sept. 9, which is in 7 days. This is a friendly reminder that
the freeze is coming up, and coming up quickly. I realize that rawhide
has been less than great lately, and we're working quite hard to fix the

Fedora 8 and 9 Updates Status

Jesse Keating wrote[3] about the status of updates on Fedora 8 and
Fedora 9. "We have done a successful compose of all the existing and as
of yesterday pending updates for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all signed with
our new keys. These updates will soon hit mirrors in a new set of
directory locations. What we don't have quite yet is the updated
fedora-release package in the old updates location that will get you the
new keys and the new repo locations. The last mile testing of this
update requires that new updates be live on the mirrors."

For the full announcement, follow the link below.

FESCo Issue Tracking

Kevin Fenzi announced[4] the new FESCo issue-tracking tool. "In the
past, interested parties could bring matters to the attention of FESCo
in several ways: Mailing the chair, following up to the schedule posting
on the devel list asking for a new topic to be added, or attending
meetings on irc and bringing up the topic at the end of the meeting in
the Open Discussion phase.

While these methods work well for issues that simply need a bit of
discussion and a decision, longer term issues that should be tracked and
discussed further sometimes are forgotten."


=Planet Fedora=

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Max Spevack


John Poelstra wrote[0] about the revised Fedora 10 schedule, which as
been moved to account for the infrastructure problems that we faced a
few weeks ago. "Last week the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee
(FESCo) ratified the updated schedule proposed by the Release
Engineering team. This resulted in feature freeze for Fedora moving to
2008-09-09 and GA to 2008-11-18. This three week change to the schedule
was to accommodate the recent infrastructure outages."

[0] http://poelcat.wordpress.com/2008/09/02/fedora-10-schedule-update/

Another Fedora Test Day is in the books, and James Laska wrote[1] about
it on his blog. "There was a really strong developer turn out for this
Test Day. In addition to David Huff, the appliance-tools developer, some
of the oVirt team showed up to help walk through oVirt's use of
appliance-tools. This was tremendously helpful to see how
appliance-tools can be used by other projects. Thanks to Alan Pevec,
Bryan Kearney and Darryl Pierce from the oVirt team for joining the
event. Having such a tight feedback loop with the developers during Test
Days has been very helpful, I hope we can continue with that format."

[1] http://jlaska.livejournal.com/1444.html


Nicu Buculei posted[2] the latest iterations of some of the potential
Fedora 10 artwork themes. "The second round in the process of creating a
visual theme for Fedora 10 ended yesterday, those are the proposals
meeting the requirement and which will pass into the third (last) round
(listed in chronological order)."

Your beat writer is particularly fond of the Gears/Steampunk theme as
well as the Solar theme, but thinks that all four are fantastic pieces
of art, and should be carried over into Fedora 11's proposals.

[2] http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/2008/09/fedora-10-themes-round-2.html

Tech Tidbits

Yaakov Nemoy reported[3] on the state of Haskell in Fedora. "After
nearly 9 months, I am finally at the point I wanted to be regarding
Haskell. Last January i wanted to submit packages for my favourite
window manager to Fedora. I got blocked because of a lack of packaging
guidelines and familiarity with Haskell or the Glasgow Haskell Compiler."


Continuing his habit of posting yum-related tutorials, James Antill
posted[4] a quick explanation of packages sizes in yum and rpm.

"It's pretty common to think that a specific thing always has a specific
size, and people tend to think of an "rpm package" as a single object
thus. the it's common to ask what is "the size of an rpm". However if
you have a 1MB text file, and gzip compresses it to 50KB which you then
upload to a HTTP server you now have at least 3 different sizes: text
size; compressed size and upload size (includes HTTP headers etc.) and
asking for the size. So it is with rpm packages, and their many sizes."

[4] http://illiterat.livejournal.com/6439.html

FUDCon Brno

FUDCon Brno is happening as Fedora Weekly News freezes, but there are a
bunch of photos online[5] and Max Spevack has been providing frequent
updates[6] about the event on his blog.

[5] http://flickr.com/groups/fudconbrno/pool/

[6] http://spevack.livejournal.com


In this section the people, personalities and debates on the
@fedora-devel mailing list are summarized.

Contributing Writer: Oisin Feeley
Getting Back on our Feet

On 05-09-2008 Jesse Keating posted[1] the good news that "[...] we have
done a successful compose of all the existing[,] and as of yesterday[,]
pending updates for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all signed with our new
keys." He cautioned that the size of this backlog of updates meant that
it would take some time to get them out to mirrors. The updates will be
in new directory locations and there will be an "[...] updated
fedora-release package in the old updates location that will get you the
new keys and the new repo locations."


Jesse was keen to point out that there would be a FAQ to which we can
all contribute and that its location will be announced shortly.

Sean Darcy, after thanking Jesse for all the work he had put in,
asked[2] how he could get the new key for updates right now without
having to wait for the fedora-release package to be placed in the old
repository location. A variety of answers followed and the canonical one
appeared[3] to be that given by Todd Zullinger in which he suggested
obtaining fedora-release from CVS and then checking that the
fingerprints matched those published[4] on the FedoraProject website.
Some minor confusion followed[5] as the example presented on the web
page uses the old key signed by "fedora@xxxxxxxxxx" but the new key is
signed by "fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Similarly the use of "PUBKEY" as a
placeholder variable on the web page caused some difficulties which Todd
cleared[6] up again.



[4] https://fedoraproject.org/keys



Jeffrey Ollie made[7] the good point that using a GPG WoT would make it
easier for Fedorans to have confidence that they had obtained the
correct key and hoped that those at the Brno FUDCon could "arrange an
impromptu keysigning[.]"


Early in the week on 02-09-2008 Stefan Grosse asked[8] politely when the
resigned Fedora 9 updates would be available. Bruno Wolff III
suggested[9] "If you are worried about something in particular, you can
look at bodhi to see pending updates and updates-testing and get rpms
from koji if there is something you want right now." A brief discussion
between Till Maas, Jesse Keating and Bruno Wolff explored whether it was
possible to download from Koji using SSL if one did not have a FAS
account. Bruno testified[10] "I needed certs (two from fedora and mine)
to get the bodhi client to work. I used this to grab a list of stable
updates last week [...] I didn't bother with ssl when grabbing them from
koji." Till was[11] using wget to grab the packages from Koji and found
it necessary to use certificates. Jesse showed[12] that it was possible
to do a koji download-build to get packages anonymously.






In a separate thread Jesse Keating announced[13] that the revised Fedora
10 freeze date would be 09-09-2008 and as part of a friendly reminder
that it was coming up quickly observed "I realize that rawhide has been
less than great lately, and we're working quite hard to fix the issues.
The installer images from the 30th may be of use in getting rawhide
installed and then updating to what is in the public repos. See
(please only grab the installer images from there, not the entire
tree)." Matt Miller reported[14] a successful net install from the
Fedora 10 alpha images using the rawhide repository.


Removing Packages with Long-standing FTBFS Failures

Matt Domsch posted[1] a list of ninety packages which "Fail To Build
- From Source" (FTBFS)[2]. Matt noted that some of these packages have
failed since 02-2008 and that "[...] packages with unresolved FTBFS bugs
immediately following the Alpha release will be removed from the
distribution" in line with a proposal passed by FESCo. He asked that
concerned parties help to resolve the problems and noted that several of
them had easy fixes.


[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FTBFS

Response was fairly quick and positive from both those listed as
maintainers and concerned parties that needed the packages in Fedora 10.

One interesting ramification of the removal of such packages was
mentioned[3] by Daniel Berrange who asserted "[t]his list is far from
complete - if you want to remove these 90, the dependency chain ripple,
will entail the removal of tonnes of other packages which depend on
these." He asked Matt to generate a report which "[...] shows the ripple
effect for each proposed package. If something is just a leaf-node, it
isn't very important to worry about, but if something triggers removal
of 50 dependant packages that's pretty damn important to fix. This info
would be useful in prioritizing which builds need fixing most urgently."
SethVidal modified[4] a script written by James Antill so that it did
exactly that and Matt posted[5] a link to the script and an example run.
Till Maas suggested[6] that it would be useful make sure that a src.rpm
responsible for several dependent packages is only counted once.





The practical consequence of neglecting such dependencies was
highlighted[7] by Matthias Clasen when he commented that
"djvulibre-devel is a BuildRequires for evince. If you remove djvulibre,
evince will become unbuildable." Jesse Keating responded that Daniel, or
his team should fix the package as "[i]f we have to do a chained rebuild
for various reasons, evince would fail due to this package not building


The inclusion of monodevelop in the list had the side effect of spurring
the Mono maintainers including Michel Salim, David Nielsen and Paul
Johnson to decide[8] to attempt a co-ordinated push of "Mono-2.0".

MinGW on Fedora

The availability of a MinGW development repository was announced[1] by
Richard Jones. "MinGW" provides a GNU toolchain on Windows allowing the
development of Free native Windows binaries. Richard credited Daniel
Berrange with a good deal of the work.


In response to Farkas Levente's question, as to when it would be
available in Fedora, Daniel replied[2] that due to the need for
"infrastructure" to create a separate repository and dedicated build
root it was impossible to predict. Jef Spaleta seemed[3] to be trying to
move the process forward and published a draft which explained that
"[t]he initial impetus for this effort has been ovirt developers who
desire to more easily use Fedora installations as development
environments for the work they are doing to build open source
cross-platform virtualization tools." The possible impact on
FedoraProject resources appears to have led to the compromise of
creating a separate repository which could be strictly confined in size.



Richard Jones encouraged[4] Farkas to try out MinGW without waiting for
official inclusion in Fedora "[...] if you want to download and play
with it, and send patches :-) It's currently buildable on Rawhide, and
possibly on earlier versions of Fedora too." Farkas then revealed that
he currently used an older MinGW on RHEL5 and Richard responded[5] that
although there were no srpms at this moment it should be possible to use
the specfiles and patches (both in the mercurial repository[6]) to
rebuild everything.



[6] http://hg.et.redhat.com/misc/fedora-mingw--devel/
Dependency Loops Considered Harmful?

[[MiroslavLichvar|Miroslav Lichvar] raised[1] the issue of a
considerable number of packages (354 by his count) which are components
of dependency loops in the rawhide repository. Miroslav provided[2] a
list. In such loops two or more RPM packages require each other as
dependencies in their spec files with the result that it can become
confusing for users trying to remove selected packages manually with yum
or rpm. Miroslav wondered whether such loops were acceptable and
specifically "why games data depend on binaries?"


[2] http://fedorapeople.org/~mlichvar/tmp/rawhide.i386.loops

A substantial conversation resulted which exposed the different needs of
packagers and users, some possible limitations due to the design of rpm
and varied philosophies concerning the correct way to specify
dependencies. One of the central examples chosen were the game packages
which tend to be split into a "binary" or "engine" package and a
companion "data" package for graphics, sound and levels. The central
concerns expressed were that occasionally an install followed by a
remove will leave "orphaned" packages behind. Also in contention was the
specific case of developers experiencing the problem of maintaining a
stable environment when there is no easy way of tracking changes to
system libraries. The package manager aptitude was mentioned favorably
due to its ability to distinguish between packages installed
automatically to satisfy dependencies and those which are installed

On the one hand Chris Snook and Michael Schwendt advocated[3] that
instead of using Requires: foo >= X in their spec files packagers should
choose Conflicts: foo < X . The possible downside to this would be
installing game data yet having no game engine/binary installed. This
was seen as a non-serious problem.


On the other hand Jon Ciesla argued[4] that the advantage of having
games data depend on their binaries from a packagers perspective is that
it ensures that attempting to upgrade the binary Version without also
upgrading the data will fail. The case of allowing minor fixes without
forcing users to download a big bundle of data can be handled by bumping
the Release of the package. More concisely he answered[5] that the
reason for the dependencies was that "[...] so when you remove the game,
you remove the data." Michael responded[6] that Jon's example could be
handled by using a Requires: foo-data = X without exposing the increased
risk of needing to "bump'n'rebuld" the data package each time the engine
package incremented its Version while still working with the same data.
He characterized such dependencies as "superfluous [...] try[ing] to
enhance 'yum remove'."




This was not accepted as accurate by Jon and he described the current
situation as "require on name and version" for game data which allows
Release to be changed without affecting the match on Name and Version
"If new data is required, it will change the version. If not, we only
increment the binary rpm's release, so the data rpm matches on version
and needs no rebuild." Michael responded[7] by laying out two cases, the
first of which illustrated the problem of having to update the data
package solely to keep in step with updates to the version so that yum
remove would function properly. His alternate case used non-versioned
dependencies in the data package and strict dependencies in the engine
package. Hans de Goede seemed a bit irritated and asked Michael to
"Please take an actual look at game spec files before making up all
kinds of BS, it's really easy" and argued that for games there was a
one-to-one mapping between the engine and the data. He added that just
because other cases resulted in dependencies being sucked in by an
install and left behind on a remove there was no reason to change the
way things were done for games.


Stephen Gallagher suggested that the "groups" exposed through yum should
be used to bundle together the multiple packages for an application
instead of using looped dependencies to which Callum Lerwick replied[8]
that it was actually time to "implement the per-package 'explicitly
installed/pulled in as a dep' flag that has been discussed several times
in the past, and is already implemented (thus proven) in the 'aptitude'
apt front end." He followed this with an amusing piece of hyperbole
about "the looming dark future of closed DRM-laden content delivery


Toshio Kuratomi raised[9] the problem faced by developers using system
libraries that could come and go due to packages being updated or
removed. Callum's suggestion was[10] that developers should be "RPM
packag[ing] your app. Apps on your system that are not tracked by RPM
are a ticking time bomb of dependency breakage whether or not the 'leaf
culling' is performed manually or is assisted by a 'pulled in as dep'
flag. A package or distribution update could very well break your app
too." Needless to say Toshio had[11] several objections to this
including the impact on developer workflow imposed by packaging up
everything and the inadvisability of forcing developers to become expert
administrators. He suggested that "If we implement this, it needs to be
at a low enough level that anyone installing packages on the system will
be storing the information. That could mean rpm (since rpm is
responsible for taking the package and turning it into files on the
filesystem) or that could mean yum since yum is the one that actually
knows whether a package is being installed due to depsolving or user
request. Doing this at a higher level means that information gets lost
(for instance, if you do this in PackageKit, there won't be any
information about what anaconda chose to install due to checkboxes being
clicked and which things were installed due to dependencies). With that
said, there needs to be a way for a developer to tell yum not to prune
away leaf packages if they want." A very detailed and amusing discussion
with (among others) Matthew Woehlke followed in which Matthew argued[12]
for a script which essentially produced a parallel iuserj rpm database
so that quick and dirty rpms could be produced locally for developers.





Jef Spaleta wondered[13] what actual examples revealed about the amount
of harddrive space being consumed by dependencies and remarked "I hope
the packagekit people are watching this discussion. The game data
subpackaging issue should be right up their ally in terms of end-user
ease of use issues." He discounted the polluting of the packagelist but
MichaelSchwendt pointed out[14] that as the packagelist increases then
"[because of] the frequent updates common in Fedora land, you need to
download and update more[.]"



The idea of keeping game data outside of any package management was
mentioned[15] by James Antill as an "obvious fix" and he discounted the
probability of PackageKit being able to do anything about the issue if
yum or rpm could not. Jef responded[16] that "[a]t some point someone is
going to have to wade into rpm itself for ease of use of removals to get
better" and pointed out that he was "[...] making sure that the people
with the right motivation and the right skills find the right way to
handle it. That's not going to happen just by telling the current
maintainers who are abusing the available requires syntax that they are
abusing the syntax and slapping their wrists." Richard Hughes showed[17]
that the PackageKit developers were indeed listening to the conversation
and mentioned that he had considered "[...] running through a large
"get-depends" output into the basename filter, so that the user only
sees the 'applications' by default, rather than a huge list[.]"




There is a lot more to this conversation than reported here, but the
main thrust is that the limitations of rpm have resulted in package
maintainers wrangling spec files to do what they want which in some
cases has undesirable effects.
Fedora Security Tools Spin

A suggestion was made[1] by Huzaifa Sidhpurwala to produce a Security
Tools spin similar to the "Knoppix Security Tools Distribution"[2] .


[2] http://knoppix-std.org/index.html

Todd Zullinger responded[3] that there was already a spin similar to
this being curated by Luke Macken. The SecuritySpin[4] mentioned by Luke
seemed to be roughly what Huzaifa was searching for, except that he
thought it should have "more tools and [be] more bare bones".


[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SecuritySpin

Adrian Pilchowiec mentioned[5] a free fork of nessus named OpenVAS[6] as
a desirable part of the spin. Luke drew[7] attention to the need for
more people to help out with packaging missing tools. Subsequently the
wishlist of the project recorded that Huzaifa was packaging up OpenVAS
and labrea.


[6] http://www.openvas.org/



This section contains the discussion happening on the


Contributing Writer: HuzaifaSidhpurwala
New Key Repo Locations v2

Warren Togami writes for fedora-infrastructure-list [1]

Warren sent out a mail enlisting the new repo locations. Also the repo
names have been changed so debuginfo and source are always at the end.

archives on secondary1

Matt Domsch writes for fedora-infrastructure-list [2]

Matt asked if archives.fp.o is on secondary1.fp.o There are 2 separate
rsyncd.conf files in puppet, one for archives,one for secondary. Given
they land at the same place on the same machine, only the one for
secondary is actually in effect. If they're going to be on the same
machine, we need to merge them. On this Mike replied with an affirmative
saying that they need to be merged.



In this section, we cover the Fedora Artwork Project.


Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei
Art Schedule for Fedora 10

JohnPoelstra showed[1] on @fedora-art a tentative schedule[2]for the
Artwork activities and asked for help with it: "1) Which tasks no longer
apply and should be removed 2) New tasks which should be added 3)
Existing tasks that are wrong"


[2] http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-10/f-10-art-tasks.html

He received corrections about dates from MairinDuffy[3] and tasks from


Working on a Sound Theme

ChrisNorman uploaded[1] a first preview of a new desktop sound theme
created for Fedora and he received[2] some feedback about length and
content from NicuBuculei: "I am not sure about speaking the English word
'attention' - some people not speaking English may not be that happy.
And maybe, just maybe, a few sounds, like 'window-close.wav' are a bit
too long".


Echo Icon Theme as a Fedora 10 Feature

LuyaTshimbalanga reported[1] about FESCO acceptance of the new Echo icon
set as a default in Fedora 10: "Fesco has accepted echo-icon-theme as
default icon theme for Fedora 10.[1] Which means we need to push harder
to include as many icons as possible using guideline and echo-artist
tool now available on rawhide and is waiting for people to get them on
both Fedora 8 and 9"


MatthiasClasen outlined[2] the importance of having Echo as a default in
the upcoming beta release "I think we need to act quickly to make Echo
the default for the beta, to test the waters before F10" and soon after
that he operated the change[3].



MartinSourada noted that the feature depends on the icon coverage "Just
a note that Fesco (and many art team members as well) has some concerns
about coverage. Simply said if we don't achieve the Mist/gnome icon
themes coverage, we'll be rolled back to Mist and wait for another
release" and offered to mentor new contributors.


Security Advisories

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce.


Contributing Writer: David Nalley

As we recover from the disruptions to the infrastructure Security
Advisories are starting to reappear. As of 07-09-2008 the following four
advisories are however just the results of testing a push after all
packages have been signed with the new GPG keys. Please see the
Announcements and Developments sections of FWN for more information.

=Fedora 9 Security Advisories=

    * samba-3.2.3-0.20.fc9 -
    * wordpress-2.6.1-1.fc9 -
    * bitlbee-1.2.2-1.fc9 -

Fedora 8 Security Advisories

    * xastir-1.9.2-8.fc8 -


In this section, we cover discussion on the @et-mgmnt-tools-list,
@fedora-xen-list, @libvirt-list and @ovirt-devel-list of Fedora
virtualization technologies.

Contributing Writer: Dale Bewley
Enterprise Management Tools List

This section contains the discussion happening on the et-mgmt-tools list
Use Avahi to Discover Local Servers in Virt-manager

Cole Robinson committed[1] a patch[2] to add support for avahi polling
in the virt-manager 'Open Connection' dialog.


[2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/et-mgmt-tools/2008-August/msg00123.html
Virtio Support in Libvirt and Virt-manager

Emre Erenoglu asked[1] if virtio[2] would be supported in virt-manager.
Daniel P. Berrange said[3] libvirt supports it as of 0.4.4 and
virt-manager will soon automatically enable virtio for disks known to
include it.


[2] http://kvm.qumranet.com/kvmwiki/Virtio


The design paradigm[4] for virt-manager is to allow selection of OS Type
and Variant which informs the features to be enabled, rather than
exposing individual features toggles. Cole Robinson agreed[5] exposing
the option to enable virtio disks for an unknow virtio-enabled
distribution might not be a bad idea.


New Virt-manager and Virtinst Releases Pending

Cole Robinson announced[1] that with the pending Fedora 10 beta freeze
on Tuesday, September 9th new releases of virt-manager + virtinst are
imminent. Daniel P. Berrange concurred[2] that libvirt would roll out a
new release around that time as well.


Virt-install Patch for Disk Size and Sparse

Cole Robinson patched[1] virt-install's new --disk option to specify
size of new storage, and whether it be create it as a sparse file.

Fedora Xen List

This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-xen list.

Nothing to report this week.
Libvirt List

This section contains the discussion happening on the libvir-list.
Libvirt vs XenAPI

Atif Bajwa asked[1] about the advantages of using libvirt over XenAPI
and what platforms libvirt supports. Atsushi Sakai pointed to a list[2]
of which libvirt calls work on which drivers / hypervisors. Daniel P.
Berrange replied[3] that libvirt is available for every major Linux
distro, and listed several benefits such as:

    * avoids locking applications to a particular hypervisor
    * provides a guaranteed stable API that can be used both locally and
    * remote security options include SSL + x509 certificates, SSH
tunnel, Kerberos GSSAPI single sign on, and username + password
    * works with every version of Xen 3.0.x or later while XenAPI is
only usable in Xen 3.1.0 and later

Richard W.M. Jones mentioned[4] that although there are no binaries yet,
libvirt client code can be compiled on windows.

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00002.html

[2] http://libvirt.org/hvsupport.html

[3] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00008.html

[4] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00016.html
Latest MinGW Patches

Daniel P. Berrange posted[1] patches to allow building on F10 of
libvirt-0.dll and virsh.exe which run successfully under Wine, provided
only 'test' and 'remote' drivers are turned on.

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00065.html
Does Libvirtd Need to Always be Running

Yushu Yao asked[1] a basic question which may be helpful to point out.
Does libvirtd need to always be running? Richard W.M. Jones answered[2]
"yes and no". The local Xen hypervisor can be managed by direct
hypervisor calls and/or a connection to xend. Warnings that libvirtd
isn't running may be ignored.

Libvirtd must be running to support the following, however.

    * remote access
    * non-root access
    * if you use the network or storage features
    * managing QEMU and KVM instances

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00085.html

[2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-September/msg00103.html
oVirt Devel List

This section contains the discussion happening on the ovirt-devel list.
Renaming oVirt RPMs

Alan Pevec proposed[1] renaming the oVirt packages which turned into a
discussion with Daniel P. Berrange about how to organize the git repos
and how to continue support build-all after such a change.

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/ovirt-devel/2008-September/msg00029.html
WUI Management of Underlying Hardware

Chris Lalancette posted[1] a series of patches to allow the Web User
Interface to manage the underlying hardware it is running on.

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/ovirt-devel/2008-September/msg00081.html
Network Interface Bonding and Failover

Darryl L. Pierce began[1] a discussion on implementing support for
ethernet bonding multiple interfaces for load balancing and failover.
Special consideration for different hardware scenarios such as blade
servers lead Konrad Rzeszutek to ask how these extra parameters would be
passed in to the bonding setup. Darryl explained[2] that on boot the
node identifies itself to the oVirt server, and downloads a
configuration file to be processed by augtool[3]. The managed node then
restarts the network service to apply the network configuration that it
just retrieved.

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/ovirt-devel/2008-September/msg00064.html

[2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/ovirt-devel/2008-September/msg00075.html

[3] http://augeas.net/

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