Fedora Core 4 Update: mod_perl-2.0.1-1.fc4

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Fedora Update Notification

Product     : Fedora Core 4
Name        : mod_perl
Version     : 2.0.1
Release     : 1.fc4
Summary     : An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache Web server
Description :
Mod_perl incorporates a Perl interpreter into the Apache web server,
so that the Apache web server can directly execute Perl code.
Mod_perl links the Perl runtime library into the Apache web server and
provides an object-oriented Perl interface for Apache's C language
API.  The end result is a quicker CGI script turnaround process, since
no external Perl interpreter has to be started.

Install mod_perl if you're installing the Apache web server and you'd
like for it to directly incorporate a Perl interpreter.

Update Information:

So FC4 will no longer depend on a pre-release...
* Fri Jun 17 2005 Warren Togami <wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.1-1
- 2.0.1

* Fri May 20 2005 Warren Togami <wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.0-3
- dep changes (#114651 jpo and ville)

* Fri May 20 2005 Joe Orton <jorton@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.0-1
- update to 2.0.0 final

This update can be downloaded from:

ff52301a2af272c704944d7b2da79cc2  SRPMS/mod_perl-2.0.1-1.fc4.src.rpm
e2f561f084eb665c2f7b02aeb3420509  ppc/mod_perl-2.0.1-1.fc4.ppc.rpm
72f4f78b381208df6d729fbc860a0758  ppc/mod_perl-devel-2.0.1-1.fc4.ppc.rpm
c478e5a2a0d0a1018bd83c0713cc6a83 ppc/debug/mod_perl-debuginfo-2.0.1-1.fc4.ppc.rpm
167c1b1ccd80c3afb073bfee3f5c2da6  x86_64/mod_perl-2.0.1-1.fc4.x86_64.rpm
16cde4af124af07fc26abd6c1b9fbf94 x86_64/mod_perl-devel-2.0.1-1.fc4.x86_64.rpm 63691ee3801fb3c4dfb9c678552815d8 x86_64/debug/mod_perl-debuginfo-2.0.1-1.fc4.x86_64.rpm
fa54505e27065ddf6ade40cd74151fa3  i386/mod_perl-2.0.1-1.fc4.i386.rpm
6cf028becd7e9b9f678d19f4157d3626  i386/mod_perl-devel-2.0.1-1.fc4.i386.rpm
211615ae51562ff0389a62770eae5d77 i386/debug/mod_perl-debuginfo-2.0.1-1.fc4.i386.rpm
This update can also be installed with the Update Agent; you can
launch the Update Agent with the 'up2date' command.



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