November 2016 |
November is American
Diabetes Month
Whether you are caring for someone with type 1 or type 2
diabetes or managing your own diabetes, FDA has resources to help. This American Diabetes Month, join the FDA Office of Women’s
Health in promoting information to help women stay in control and safely use
foods, medicines, and devices as a part of their diabetes care.
Visit and share these resources:
Women and Diabetes webpage
Medicines - easy-to-read booklet for women
- 7
Tips for Testing Your Blood Sugar and Caring for Your Meter
- Food
Safety for People with Diabetes
- FDA Diabetes
Information for Patients
- Women
in Clinical Trials
Please share this update with your network,
members, constituents, and community.
FDA Office of Women’s Health
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
WO32 - Room 2333
Silver Spring, MD