Well yes, it is true, that our "Funky Chicken" ad on the very serious topic of salmonella contamination beat out the Smokey the Bear ad to make it to the finals of the Ad Council's MarchAdness. Help us clench the championship and enjoy the splendor of Duke like elation by casting your vote today. Also in other foodsafety.gov news, we are still excited about the World Health Day topic of safe food, so we posted another blog on the topic. The global nature of our farm to plate system makes #foodsafety an issue that spans national borders. There are complex global nuances that we must consider when looking at how to ensure a safe food supply in the U.S.: The food supply in the United States is constantly evolving. U.S. consumers want convenience, choice, and diversity in the foods they eat. The U.S. is importing more food than ever before in order to meet these demands. In 2009, imported food accounted for 17% of food consumed by Americans (up from 15% in 2004)…read the full blog. |