We’ve updated HealthCare.gov to get ready for open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace on October 1. And because the website has changed, the subscription topics that we’ve been using to contact you have also changed.
We don’t want to lose touch with you, so we need your help to update our email subscriber list. Sign in now to manage your subscriptions and keep up with the latest Marketplace news.
- If you’re uninsured or would like to get consumer updates from us, subscribe to the For Individuals & Families list.
- If you’d also like to get updates from us about special events, new blogs, or videos, subscribe to the Featured Updates list as well as the For Individuals & Families list.
If you own or run a small business and would like to get updates from us, subscribe to the For Small Business list.
Remember, you can also connect with us on social media to get the latest news and updates.