WARNING: FDA says DO NOT EAT shellfish from Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
07/20/2012 08:49 AM EDT
FDA warns consumers not to eat shellfish from Oyster Bay Harbor, Nassau County, NY
Consumers possessing shellfish with tags listing Oyster Bay Harbor as the harvest area and a harvest date on or after June 1, 2012 should dispose of and not eat the shellfish. Consumers possessing shellfish for which the harvest area is not known should inquire of the retailer, restaurant or other facility about the source of shellfish. If the shellfish was already consumed and no one became ill, no action is needed. However, if you develop a diarrheal illness within a week after consuming raw or undercooked shellfish, see your health care provider and inform the provider about this exposure.
The New York state DEC has prohibited the harvesting of shellfish from Oyster Bay Harbor in Nassau County, and has issued media releases advising establishments not to use shellfish from this harvest area and advising consumers not to eat the shellfish. The DEC has notified states that received implicated shellfish and the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference, which has subsequently notified its membership.
The map at
http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7765.html shows the area that has been closed to harvesting of shellfish. This closure will remain in effect until samples collected by the DEC indicate that shellfish from the affected area are no longer a threat to consumers.
No other harvest areas have been implicated in the recent Vibrio parahaemolyticus illnesses.
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