Dear Abby: Healthy Moms Advice Kit |
As children come to their mothers to mend their scraped knees and broken hearts, readers in turn come to you for advice that can mend fractured relationships and save lives.
Knowing how much mothers everywhere value your wisdom, the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women's Health and the Federal Citizen Information Center have created the "Healthy Moms Advice Kit" for your readers. It's filled with practical tips on topics such as hay fever, recognizing and conquering depression, keeping food safe, discovering the real differences between name band and generic drugs—and every mom's dream—learning the secrets of getting a good night's sleep.
Abby, thanks for letting your readers know about the free Healthy Moms Advice Kit, and for being someone we always know we can trust to steer us to the answers we need.
DEAR MARSHA: I'm pleased to help you educate readers on these important topics. Every year when I review the advance copies of your kits I learn something new—which is why I know they will be helpful to others.
Folks, this year's free smorgasbord of information contains helpful advice on such topics as how to avoid getting sick from restaurant take-out foods, medications and products to avoid during pregnancy, and an enlightening fact sheet on HPV (human papillomavirus), a sexually transmitted disease that, left untreated, can lead to cervical cancer.
Because all the information in these kits has been compiled by the government at taxpayer expense, it's offered at no cost to you. However, quantities are limited so don't wait. Order now. To receive the kits in printed form, send your name and address to Healthy Moms Advice Kit, Pueblo, CO 81009, go online to or call (888) 8-PUEBLO (that's 888-878-3256) weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time. You can also read the publications online in PDF format, download them to your computer and print them.
FREE PUBLICATIONS IN THE "Healthy Moms Advice Kit" (PDF format)
- Allergies (116 Kb)
- Depression (116 Kb)
- Generic Drugs (115 Kb)
- HPV (human papillomavirus) (291 Kb)
- Listeria (126 Kb)
- Medicine and Pregnancy (116 Kb)
- Osteoporosis (124 Kb)
- Restaurant and Take-Out Safety (120 Kb)
- Sleep Disorders (123 Kb)
- / Pregnancy Registries Postcard (215 Kb)
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U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) · 10903 New Hampshire Ave · Silver Spring, MD 20993 · 800-439-1420