In this special edition of
Importance of Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Personnel
Ensuring that healthcare staff are vaccinated can reduce staff influenza rates as well as nosocomial infection rates…
Preventing Cross-Contamination in Endoscope Processing
Continuing reports of processing errors prompt joint communication from FDA, CDC and VA…
Never Use Parenteral Syringes for Oral Medications
Once a parenteral syringe is filled with a liquid intended for oral use, it can be accidentally connected to an intravenous line, with potentially dangerous consequences…
Burns from Medicated Patches during MRI Exams
Because the metallic component in a number of OTC and prescription transdermal patches can conduct heat, patients should remove the patch before the MRI...
Drug Name Confusion: Ephedrine and Epinephrine
ISMP’s recommendations to help prevent mix-ups between ephedrine and epinephrine…
Cautions about Sexual Enhancement Products
“All natural” supplements may contain ingredients that could pose a serious health risk…
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