Recall of Fluid Milk Products out of Midland Farms, Inc.
Wed, 08 Sep 2010 20:33:00 -0500
New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker today alerted consumers that Midland Farms, located in Menands, New York, is voluntarily recalling certain milk products due to the potential of improper pasteurization. Proper pasteurization heats milk in order to effectively eliminate all pathogenic bacteria, such as Listeria and Salmonella.
- Products: Milk sold in plastic containers with a date code or SELLBY date of SEP24 (09/24/10). View product labels.
Brands include: - Midland Farms
- Corrado's
- Jersey Dairy Farms
- Trade Fair Premium
- Distributed: Sold in NY, CT, MA, NJ, RI
- Why: Improper pasteurization
- Illnesses reported: None
- For more information: Contact Midland Farms directly at 518-436-7038.
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