The Division of Drug Information (DDI) is CDER's focal point for public inquiries. We serve the public by providing information on human drug products and drug product regulation by FDA.
Dear Consumer,
You are invited to participate in a technical briefing for stakeholders presented by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its FY 2011 budget request. The FDA Technical Briefing will follow an HHS press briefing presenting the budget request for FY 2011.
This stakeholder briefing will be held on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. EST. The call-in number for stakeholders in the United States is 888-949-2798. The international call-in number is 1-312-470-7394. The access code for all callers is “FDA.” The briefing will be presented by Patrick McGarey, Director, Office of Budget, FDA.
A replay of the briefing will be available one hour after the event ends until February 8, 2010 at 10:59 p.m. CT. To hear the replay, callers in the United States and Canada can dial 888-568-0507. International callers can dial 203-369-3478.
A copy of the Stakeholder Advisory is attached. We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this notice.
We hope that you will be able to join us at this briefing and thank you for your support of FDA and its mission.
Sincerely yours,
Pat Kuntze
Senior Advisor for Consumer Affairs
Food and Drug Administration
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- For additional drug information, please visit the DDI Web page.
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