Allergy Alert on Possible Undeclared Soy Protein in32-ounce Great Value Half & Half, 32-ounce Great Value 36% Heavy Whipping Cream, 32-ounce Kroger brand 36% Heavy Whipping Cream, and 64-ounce Wholesome Farms Chocolate Ice Cream Mix
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 23:14:00 -0500
Morningstar Foods is voluntarily recalling 32-ounce Great Value Half & Half, UPC 6 05388 187 16 1, item code 1871600, plant code 21-031; 32-ounce Great Value 36% Heavy Whipping Cream, UPC 6 05388 187 18 5, item code 1871800, plant code 21-031; 32-ounce Kroger brand 36% Heavy Whipping Cream, UPC 0 11110 438 28 7, item code 4382900, plant code 21-031; and 64-ounce Wholesome Farms Chocolate Ice Cream Mix, UPC 0 74865 57 983 4 (if purchased in a multi-pack, the UPC code is 1 00 74865 57983 1), item code 5798300, plant code 21-031 because these products may contain soy protein.
Firm Press Release: FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.
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