FDA News Digest for August 1, 2005

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FDA News Digest

August 1, 2005





--  FDA Joins Other Groups to Protect U.S. From 'Agroterrorism'

--  Agency Says Mentor's Silicone Breast Implants Are 'Approvable' 

--  FDA Bans Baytril for Use in Treating Poultry Bacterial Infections

--  Consumers Warned About Fake Lipitor Recalled in United Kingdom

--  Fla. Maker of Cold, Cough Products Shut Down for Violations

--  Contaminated Basmati Rice from Pakistan Seized in New Jersey

--  Commissioner Announces Appointments to Senior Agency Positions

--  Galson Named Permanent Head of Drug Evaluation and Research

--  Recalls/Safety Alert

--  Public Meetings

--  Question of the Week



FDA Joins Other Groups to Protect U.S. From 'Agroterrorism'


FDA is collaborating with three other federal agencies, along with states and private industry, in a program to protect the nation's food supply from terrorist threats. As part of the program, teams of federal and state officials will travel to all 50 states over the next year to meet with food industry representatives and discuss ways to prevent "agroterrorism" by boosting food security from farm to table.



Agency Says Mentor's Silicone Breast Implants Are 'Approvable' 


FDA has issued an "approvable" letter to Mentor Corp. for its application to market silicone gel-filled breast implants. An approvable letter is one of several steps in the FDA review of new products. The letter does not mean that FDA has approved the implants for marketing at this time.



FDA Bans Baytril for Use in Treating Poultry Bacterial Infections


FDA will no longer allow distribution or use of the antibiotic Baytril (enrofloxacin) to treat bacterial infections in poultry. FDA took the action after determining that the drug can promote resistance in Campylobacter bacteria, a major cause of foodborne illness. The agency's ruling does not affect other approved uses of the drug.



Consumers Warned About Fake Lipitor Recalled in United Kingdom


FDA is alerting consumers that officials in the United Kingdom have recalled a batch of counterfeit Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering medicine. U.S. patients who bought FDA-approved Lipitor from legitimate sources should not have received these fake versions. It is possible, however, that those who bought drugs from the U.K. online or through storefronts or state-run reimportation programs may have received the counterfeits.



Fla. Maker of Cold, Cough Products Shut Down for Violations


Following a long history of manufacturing violations, a federal district court has shut down operations at Florida-based Pharmakon Labs, makers of cold and cough products. As part of the court's decision, the company cannot resume manufacturing or distribution of the products until it complies with federal laws.



Contaminated Basmati Rice from Pakistan Seized in New Jersey


U.S. marshals have seized $80,000 worth of basmati rice at POF International in Irvington, N.J. Laboratory analysis of the rice revealed it contained weevils, beetles, and insect larvae, rendering it unfit to eat. The rice originated in Pakistan.



Commissioner Announces Appointments to Senior Agency Positions


FDA Commissioner Lester M. Crawford, D.V.M., has announced the following appointments to senior FDA positions: Scott Gottlieb, M.D., deputy commissioner for medical and scientific affairs; Janet Woodcock, M.D., deputy commissioner for operations and chief operating officer; Murray Lumpkin, M.D., deputy commissioner for international and special programs; and Patrick Ronan, chief staff officer to the commissioner.



Galson Named Permanent Head of Drug Evaluation and Research


Steven Galson, M.D., has been named director of the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). Most recently acting CDER director, Galson is a rear admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service. He will oversee more than 2,200 employees who work to evaluate prescription and over-the-counter drugs for their safety and effectiveness.



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D-TRON Adapters, used with D-TRONplus insulin pump

Reason for recall: may deliver excessive insulin dose



Two varieties of Merita Harvest Ridge rolls

Reason for recall: undeclared whey



For a list of recalls, market withdrawals, and safety alerts involving FDA-regulated

products from the past 60 days, go to http://www.fda.gov/opacom/7alerts.html.


To access the RSS feed of FDA recalls information, go to


[What is an RSS feed? See http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/news/newsfeeds.html.]




Aug. 4 -- Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee
Under discussion: an application for a new drug to treat migraine headaches

Location: Rockville, Md.


Aug. 9 -- General Hospital and Personal Use Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee

Under discussion: the potential for disease transmission by multiple-use nozzle jet injectors

Location: Gaithersburg, Md.



For a list of FDA meetings, seminars, and other public events, go to






Is monosodium glutamate (MSG) safe?


Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been used for many years in home and restaurant foods, and in processed foods. People sensitive to MSG may have mild and transitory reactions when they eat foods that contain large amounts of MSG (such as would be found in heavily flavor-enhanced foods).


FDA believes that MSG is a safe food ingredient for the general population. It is regarded by the agency as among food ingredients that are "generally recognized as safe." FDA has studied adverse reaction reports and other data concerning MSG's safety. The agency also has an ongoing contract with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology to reexamine the scientific data on possible adverse reactions to glutamate in general. MSG must be declared on the label of any food to which it is added.                                                                                                                                 ___________________________________________________


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