FAA Releases Spaceport Camden Final Environmental Impact Statement
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Spaceport Camden project in Camden County, Ga.
The Camden County Board of Commissioners is seeking an FAA license authorizing Spaceport Camden to support up to 12 small-lift commercial space launches per year. The site would include a launch pad, a control center complex and another facility with provisions for visitors to view the launches.
The FAA prepared the FEIS in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, which requires the agency to identify and disclose the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. The Final EIS evaluated the Proposed Action along with a No Action Alternative.
The FAA anticipates publishing a Record of Decision for the project in mid- to late July 2021.
The FAA published a Draft EIS for public review and comment in March 2018 and held two public hearings in April 2018. The FAA received more than 15,500 public comments on the Draft EIS. The FAA considered all comments received in preparing the Final EIS.