Re: can ext3 directory entries be overwritten? -- Re: extremely slow "ls" on a cleared fatty ext3 directory on FC4/5

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13.08.06 в 22:57 Robinson Tiemuqinke в письме писал(а):

Hi, all,

 I'm a newbie to ext3 file system, but what a pity if
ext3 could not shrink after containing files and
subdirectories get deleted.

 If the ext3 directory could not shrink, then another
natural question is: can the deleted directory entries
be overwritten by new files/subdirs? The following is
an example to detail my question:

Suppose a directory named myDir hold 3 files a, b, c.
then the ext3 file system will create 5 entries under
myDir, ".", "..", 'a', 'b', 'c'.

lets say I remove file a and b, then the entries on
et3 will looks as:

 '.', '..', '#a', '#b', 'c'. with '#?' means the file
is delteded.

at last I added three files d ,e,f, which entries
should the ext3 file system create for myDir? case A,
or case B? it looks like case A has better performance
and is not hard to implement. But I'm not sure how
ext3 picks.

case A, '#a', '#b' entries are reused, so only one
more entries are created.

'.', '..', 'd', 'e', 'c', 'f'.

case B, '#a', '#b' are not reused, instead, 3 more
entries are created. so total entries are:

'.', '..', '#a', '#b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'.

Please help, I'll be more than appreciated if any one
can point out ext3 howtos and introduction links.
Thanks a lot.

--- John Wendel <jwendel10@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Robinson Tiemuqinke wrote:
>  Hi,
>  A stupid flat directory /tmp holding 5 millon
files, the directory
>  locates on a ext3 file system with dir_index
feature turned on. The
>  running Linux are FC4 and FC5.
>  The files are just directly under /tmp, not in
any subdirectories --
>  they are results of mis-operations of users.
>  Then a 'ls' or 'find' command will take one hour
to finish, a lot of
>  other applications on the computer boxes are
>  I managed to have deleted the files one by one
with a 'find . |xargs
>  rm -rf' similar command in about 10 hours. but
after a file system
>  sync, it still take me 20 minutes to list the
cleaned /tmp directory
>  again -- even now the directory holds only 8
files total.
>  so I try to 'ls' the directory itself (not any
files and
>  subdirectories on it) and find that its size is
stupidly large (it is
>  131M even after deletion) compared with 4K for
normal directories.
>  -bash-3.00# ls -alFdh /tmp* drwxrwxrwt  4 root
staff 4.0K Aug 12
>  23:17 new_tmp/ drwxrwxrwt  4 root  staff 131M Aug
12 20:30 tmp/
>  Anyone know why the former fatty directory still
looks unchanged and
>  takes hours to traverse even after 99.999999%
files got removed?
>  If there are any ways to fix this kind of problem
without rebooting
>  machine? I'm afraid of the commands "rsync -avHn
/tmp/ /new_tmp/; rm
>  -rf /tmp/ && mv /new_tmp/ /tmp" because other
applications are
>  accessing /tmp/ as well.
>  Please help. Thanks a lot.

EXT3 directories grow but they don't shrink.
Rebooting won't fix this
The only fix that I know is to delete the old
directory and create a new
BTW, XFS automatically shrinks directories (but has
its own set of
Use option -D in e2fsck for optimize directories.

-D Optimize directories in filesystem. This option causes e2fsck to try to optimize all directories, either by reindexing them if the filesystem supports directory indexing, or by sorting and compressing directories for smaller directories, or
              for filesystems using traditional linear directories.

Igor A. Valcov

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