Stephen Tweedie wrote:
On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 07:10:56AM -0500, Mark F wrote:
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3
I've tried to create a large 5TB file system using both reiserfs and ext3
and both have failed.
I end up with only a 1.5TB file system. Does anyone know why this doesn't
work, what to do to fix it?
I fixed a bug in mke2fs that had this result over a year ago, so a
recent e2fsprogs should fix it.
Failing that, there's a workaround: use "mke2fs -b 4096" to prevent
mke2fs from trying to work out the device size in units of 1k blocks.
Counting in 4k blocks prevents a 32-bit overflow.
I finally got it formated using the GPT label with parted. I formatted it
reiserfs, it takes a few seconds to mount but seems to work fine and shows up at
full size.