We are having problems remounting an ext3 filesystem using an external
journal device. The filesystem in question was working fine until the
server was rebooted.
This is what we see on dmesg when trying to mount:
EXT3: failed to claim external journal device.
The external journal lives on a LVM2 logical volume and it seems to be
accessible ( we can dumpe2fs and see filesystem information).
Here's the system information and command line used to create the
filesystem :
SuSE SLES9 2 , kernel 2.6.5
ada718-5:/ # rpm -qa | grep e2fs
mke2fs -O journal_dev /dev/mapper/home_jou_vol_grp-home_jou 400000
mke2fs -E stride=16 -O sparse_super,dir_index -j -J
device=/dev/mapper/home_jou_vol_grp-home_jou /dev/mapper/home_vol_grp-home
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Franco Bladilo
Linux/HPCC Administrator
Research Computing Support Group
Rice University