I found the bug in the code yesterday and made it into a 64bit type. The program works fine with the change.
Thanks for your input.
Best Wishes
Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 00:29, amitm@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
rw-r--r-- 1 amitm amitm 2147491330 Nov 13 10:16 /home/amitm/storage/cam_n2_q1/atvdatacam_n2_q1.dat...
I write a simple program to do the basic file I/O but I hit a snag doing the seek.
int main(void)
int fd;
int result;
result = lseek64(fd,2147483650,SEEK_SET);
Umm, lseek64 returns a 64-bit result. "result" is a 32-bit variable.
This is *precisely* the sort of programming error which resulted in the LFS spec disabling the opening of >2GB files in the first place. Any applications assuming that an off_t fits in an int will break if off_t for the file is larger than 2GB.
Try off_t or loff_t as the type for "result" and see if that works any better!
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