This might be a bad HD but I thought I'd ask anyway. Running RedHat 8 system; kernel 2.4.18-14. Was having some weird problems on boot so I did: % find / -type f -fstype ext3 | perl -n -e 'print `md5sum $_`;' to torture the disk. It's a 20G Maxtor disk with about 12G free. The system locks up hard (no ping, no capslock light) after a while. Different place every time. Built 2.4.20 with ext3 debugging. Set debug level to 3--no lockup. While writing this, reran test with debug level 2--locks up. I'm going to build with the magic sysreq key and see if any further elucidation is possible. -- David Poole "Setting a bologna sandwich on fire does dpoole at mbuf dot com not constitute cooking." - Get Fuzzy _______________________________________________