Hmmm, this took me a while to find the first time around in the commit_super code, and I almost forgot about it. Looking at the loop in sync_supers() while (sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks)) if (sb->s_dirt) { sb->s_count++; spin_unlock(&sb_lock); Right here, we can race against kill_super, which means an unmount can make the FS go away completely. The only thing that saves the write_super() call is a check for s->s_root != NULL. Since we don't check that before calling sync_fs, it should race against an unmount. down_read(&sb->s_umount); write_super(sb); if (wait && sb->s_op && sb->s_op->sync_fs) sb->s_op->sync_fs(sb); drop_super(sb); goto restart; } else Any reason ext3 can't have a check for s_root in there? -chris _______________________________________________