Looking for ext2 & ext3 expert. This problem is on a ext3 partition. I have a small file (1395 bytes) that appears HUGE when runing ls -l (70368744179059 bytes). This causes a problem because tar wants to back up all those extra bytes. [root@secure parse]# ls -l HTMLFrameSet.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 root devel 70368744179059 Mar 20 09:05 HTMLFrameSet.class [root@secure parse]# wc HTMLFrameSet.class 15 58 1395 HTMLFrameSet.class We have back ups of the file else where, but I'm afraid to delete it. When I remove it what is going to happen to the file system? Kernal version is 2.4.18 on i686 Is it safe to delete and recreate the file. Do I need to unmount the FS and run fsck? FYI error message from tar: tar: HTMLFrameSet.class: File shrank by 70368744169331 bytes; padding with zeros No wonder my backups didn't finish :-) !!!! Thanks for any insight.