U.S. EPA GoGreen! Monthly Consumer Newsletter April 2012 (Earth Month)

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Title: U.S. EPA GoGreen! Monthly Consumer Newsletter April 2012 (Earth Month)

NOTE - because it's Earth Month and there's so much going on, we're sending this issue of GoGreen! to wide subscriber audience. We haven't added anyone to the GoGreen! list but below is link to sign up if yo uarena't already.


EPA News You Can Use - April 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: (Chock-full for Earth Month!)
Enviro-Tip of the Month
What You Can Do, What You Can Use
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Videos and More
About This Newsletter



Earth Day is April 22 - Start by checking out the Earth Day web site for lots of things you can do to participate in and celebrate Earth Day! Go ahead get involved: commit, take action, share. And take photos!



April is EARTH MONTH! Here are things you can do, where you live or online.

Got Six Words for the Planet? You use thousands of words daily. But can you use only six? Write a six-word micro essay. Your six words about the environment. Be funny or poetic or serious. We'll post some submissions on EPA.gov. Submit yours now through June 30. It's the only Earth we have.

Pump It Up! Properly pumped-up vehicle tires save fuel and save you money - up to 11 cents per gallon. Check your car's tires and pump them up to the recommended pressure. We're asking college students across America to host tire inflating events to help raise awareness. Find out more about Pump It Up!

"Environment in a Day" Photo Project - What does a global moment look like? Take a photo any time during the twenty-four hour period of Earth Day April 22 where you are, of the environment how you see it (good, bad, landscapes, city-scapes, humans, wildlife, wild-humans). Then share on Flickr with the photo project - read more:

Greenquest! Later in Earth Month, we'll announce an online puzzle that you solve through learning about things you can do that help you protect your health and the environment. If you complete the puzzle, you can write your name on the Greenquest wall, and optionally enter a drawing to be a guest blogger in Greenversations. In a couple of weeks, we'll post more info at

Learn - Teach - Share:
-Sign up to get a daily environmental tip by email during April and listen to the daily audio tip podcast.

-Put the environmental tips widget on your own web page or blog.

-Pick 5 for the Environment

-Join us on Facebook and share your Earthday experiences, or use hashtag #earthday on Twitter.

-Find Earth Day activities near you.

Habla español? Aprenda más acerca del Da del Planeta Tierra y de lo que usted puede hacer para ayudar a proteger el medio ambiente. Escuche los podcasts ambientales. Inscrbase para recibir un consejo por correo electrnico en abril.


Prevent Poisonings! Please - always keep chemicals, pesticides, medications, cleaning products and more in securely locked cabinets out of children's reach. In just the past year, poison control centers took 4 million phone calls and helped address 2.4 million poisonings. Read more:
-Special video on pest fogger safety:

Fix A Leak! The average American home leaks more than 10,000 gallons of water per year. Check your fixtures and stop leaks, in your home or remind your landlord. If you're shopping for new fixtures or plumbing, look for the WaterSense label.

Springtime is Green Time! As you begin to think of yards and lawns and being outdoors again, think about greenscaping - get tips and ideas for environmentally friendly practices for your lawn and garden.

If you Twitter? If you're interested in how government is using and developing social media tools, follow hashtag #gov20 in Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/search/gov20
-or follow Jeffrey Levy, Director of Web Communications, for EPA-related discussion.


VIDEOS AND MORE - March releases

U.S. EPA Mercury Capture System: This video describes a solution to the severe health risks caused by mercury emissions from small-scale gold processing.

National Poison Prevention Week: EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson commemorating the 50th anniversary of the National Week Poison Prevention, and simple things you can do to protect your family.
 -en español: Mensaje de la Administradora de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. Lisa P. Jackson en conmemoración del 50 aniversario de la Semana Nacional de Prevención de Envenenamientos.

Foggers Safety: "First, Read the Label": This short video helps educate the public on the potential hazards from incorrect use of total release foggers, and to provide safety precautions to take when using foggers to control insect pests.
 -en español: Seguridad nebulizadores: Este breve video fueron creado para educar al público de los posibles riesgos y también ofrece las precauciones de seguridad que se deben tomar al usar los nebulizadores o "foggers" para controlar las plagas de insectos.

More on EPA's YouTube channel http://youtube.com/usepagov




National Gardening Month

1-7, National Week of the Ocean
21-29, National Park Week

22, Earth Day



America is shifting to a "green culture" where all 300 million citizens are embracing the fact that environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility. "Go Green!" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.

Want more news? Sign up to receive daily EPA news releases on topics that interest you.

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