Re: [PATCH 0/3] Fix duplicated VAR and secinfo

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Alan Maguire <alan.maguire@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 12/02/2025 00:49, Stephen Brennan wrote:
>> [...]
>> to feedback or suggestions regarding this. I implemented it in pahole
>> because I'm most familiar with that code, and because it seems to me like
>> it's reasonable for libbpf to expect that the input variable information is
>> already deduplicated.
> I've been thinking about whether core BTF deduplication should handle
> this case - I'll try and lay out the process and maybe we can think
> about whether it's better to solve in core dedup or within pahole.
> The deduplication of VARs should be straightforward - they are
> considered reference types and since in cases like this they share a
> name and refer to the same type, the reference type deduplication could
> be extended to cover them.

I wonder if there's a hidden catch here... DECL_TAGs can refer to VARs,
but as far as I can tell, the semantics are that the DECL_TAG actually
*modifies* the VAR - it says "this variable declaration had this
annotation / tag / whatever". This is fundamentally because the
var_secinfo doesn't point at a chain of DECL_TAGs, it points directly at
the VAR. (Compare that to, e.g. const/volatile/restrict qualifiers)

So, in a hypothetical situation where there are two variables of the
same name & type, but one of them has a DECL_TAG referring to it, would
the deduplication keep these separate?  It seems to me that would be the
correct behavior.

> However, the DATASEC references to such
> variables are a bit trickier.
> As seen above, the kernel currently disallows DATASEC btf_var_secinfo
> references that are overlapping, i.e. if I have
> [123520] DATASEC '.data..percpu' size=229632 vlen=392
> 	type_id=7708 offset=0 size=48 (VAR 'fixed_percpu_data')
> 	type_id=5559 offset=4096 size=4096 (VAR 'cpu_debug_store')
> 	type_id=7060 offset=8192 size=16384 (VAR 'irq_stack_backing_store')
> ..the kernel enforces that irq_stack_backing_store starts at >= the
> offset of the previous var (cpu_debug_store) + its size (4096+4096 in
> this case). This is why the kernel rejects BTF with multiple instances
> of the same variable, since they overlap.
> So if we consider the case of deduplicating variables; before dedup we
> would have something like this in the DATASEC
> 	type_id=8188 offset=256 size=48 (VAR 'foo')
> 	type_id=9190 offset=256 size=48 (VAR 'foo')
> ...and after dedup + remapping it would be:
> 	type_id=8188 offset=256 size=48 (VAR 'foo')
> 	type_id=8188 offset=256 size=48 (VAR 'foo')
> This still violates the overlap check. So there are a few options here:
> - change the kernel to relax overlap check when multiple references have
> same type id/offset/size; i.e. they refer to the same variable
> - have pahole weed out such occurrences
> - something else?
> Ideally we don't want to have to resize DATASECs with such duplicate
> entries as that would add more complexity to dedup.

Do you think you could share a bit more about the added complexity &
cost? I admittedly don't have any knowledge about the deduplicator, but
naively it seems like the ideal solution would be to delete the
duplicated var_secinfo and resize the DATASEC.

> Anyway I'd be interested to hear what others think about whether solving
> this in BTF dedup itself or pahole makes most sense. Thanks!

Thanks for taking a look into this! Hoping to hear from other
experienced voices on this question as well.


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