Comment # 15
on bug 80141
from Aaron B
> Bug #2: This was triggered by Chromium, when resizing the window/dragging
> with the mouse on the top of the screen. This one particular time made the
> screen jump, like I've also seen in Steam, but this one triggers a black
> scanline, (very very rarely) accompanied by a slight (1px vertical) tear
> upwards at the scanline the black line is on. They happen more towards the
> bottom and middle of the screen, although they start at the top. It happened
> once every 10 seconds or so when it started, but now is happening 1-2 times
> a second sometimes with multiple black lines in the same frame it seems. The
> black line occurence is increasing as time goes on. This was VERY common in
> 3.14 kernel, so the issue probably is just being put off by the new dri
> implementation I was given to test, but still exists. I don't really know
> weather to make a new bug report or not specifically for that, I don't
> really know what components to look at either. Any ideas, tests, etc. I can
> do them. But still, this has seemed to fix the random complete failure
> crashes. Or, maybe with the black lines, has just delayed them. I can't
> really tell.
This seems to be caused by Chromium, BUT. I believe the colors being sent to
the screen were affecting it. Looking at my desktop, the lines were not on the
screen. They used to be in 3.14, though, even on the desktop. But, with this
glitch they were not. I opened Libreoffice, with mainly white pixels on the
left side, flipped the screen 180 degrees, and...turning off the on HDMI, or
whatever it does to the display when it flipped, fixed it, and now it's back to
normal. But, like I said, I would wager the glitch was caused by pixel colors,
or maybe colors were looked at as commands and the pixel clock frequency is a
tad off. I'm not 100% sure on any of it, just saying what fixed it for me so if
it's looked in to, it can help. If I could make a new bug report just for that,
I will.
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