Re: [PATCH RFC 00/24] Lima DRM driver

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Am 18.05.2018 um 11:27 schrieb Qiang Yu:
Kernel DRM driver for ARM Mali 400/450 GPUs.

This implementation mainly take amdgpu DRM driver as reference.

- Mali 4xx GPUs have two kinds of processors GP and PP. GP is for
   OpenGL vertex shader processing and PP is for fragment shader
   processing. Each processor has its own MMU so prcessors work in
   virtual address space.
- There's only one GP but multiple PP (max 4 for mali 400 and 8
   for mali 450) in the same mali 4xx GPU. All PPs are grouped
   togather to handle a single fragment shader task divided by
   FB output tiled pixels. Mali 400 user space driver is
   responsible for assign target tiled pixels to each PP, but mali
   450 has a HW module called DLBU to dynamically balance each
   PP's load.
- User space driver allocate buffer object and map into GPU
   virtual address space, upload command stream and draw data with
   CPU mmap of the buffer object, then submit task to GP/PP with
   a register frame indicating where is the command stream and misc
- There's no command stream validation/relocation due to each user
   process has its own GPU virtual address space. GP/PP's MMU switch
   virtual address space before running two tasks from different
   user process. Error or evil user space code just get MMU fault
   or GP/PP error IRQ, then the HW/SW will be recovered.
- Use TTM as MM. TTM_PL_TT type memory is used as the content of
   lima buffer object which is allocated from TTM page pool. all
   lima buffer object gets pinned with TTM_PL_FLAG_NO_EVICT when
   allocation, so there's no buffer eviction and swap for now. We
   need reverse engineering to see if and how GP/PP support MMU
   fault recovery (continue execution). Otherwise we have to
   pin/unpin each envolved buffer when task creation/deletion.
Well pinning all memory is usually a no-go for upstreaming. But since 
you are already using the drm_sched for GPU task scheduling why are you 
actually needing this?
The scheduler should take care of signaling all fences when the hardware 
is done with it's magic and that is enough for TTM to note that a buffer 
object is movable again (e.g. unpin them).

- Use drm_sched for GPU task schedule. Each OpenGL context should
   have a lima context object in the kernel to distinguish tasks
   from different user. drm_sched gets task from each lima context
   in a fair way.

Not implemented:
- Dump buffer support
- Power management
- Performance counter

This patch serial just pack a pair of .c/.h files in each patch.
For whole history of this driver's development, see:

Mesa driver is still in development and not ready for daily usage,
but can run some simple tests like kmscube and glamrk2, see:

Andrei Paulau (1):
   arm64/dts: add switch-delay for meson mali

Lima Project Developers (10):
   drm/lima: add mali 4xx GPU hardware regs
   drm/lima: add lima core driver
   drm/lima: add GPU device functions
   drm/lima: add PMU related functions
   drm/lima: add PP related functions
   drm/lima: add MMU related functions
   drm/lima: add GPU virtual memory space handing
   drm/lima: add GEM related functions
   drm/lima: add GEM Prime related functions
   drm/lima: add makefile and kconfig

Qiang Yu (12):
   dt-bindings: add switch-delay property for mali-utgard
   arm64/dts: add switch-delay for meson mali
   Revert "drm: Nerf the preclose callback for modern drivers"
   drm/lima: add lima uapi header
   drm/lima: add L2 cache functions
   drm/lima: add GP related functions
   drm/lima: add BCAST related function
   drm/lima: add DLBU related functions
   drm/lima: add TTM subsystem functions
   drm/lima: add buffer object functions
   drm/lima: add GPU schedule using DRM_SCHED
   drm/lima: add context related functions

Simon Shields (1):
   ARM: dts: add gpu node to exynos4

  .../bindings/gpu/arm,mali-utgard.txt          |   4 +
  arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4.dtsi                |  33 ++
  arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-gxbb.dtsi   |   1 +
  .../boot/dts/amlogic/meson-gxl-mali.dtsi      |   1 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig                       |   2 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile                      |   1 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_file.c                    |   8 +-
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/Kconfig                  |   9 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/Makefile                 |  19 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_bcast.c             |  65 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_bcast.h             |  34 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ctx.c               | 143 +++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ctx.h               |  51 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_device.c            | 407 ++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_device.h            | 136 +++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_dlbu.c              |  75 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_dlbu.h              |  37 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_drv.c               | 466 ++++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_drv.h               |  77 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem.c               | 459 ++++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem.h               |  41 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem_prime.c         |  66 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem_prime.h         |  31 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gp.c                | 293 +++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gp.h                |  34 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_l2_cache.c          |  98 ++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_l2_cache.h          |  32 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_mmu.c               | 154 ++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_mmu.h               |  34 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_object.c            | 120 +++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_object.h            |  87 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pmu.c               |  85 +++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pmu.h               |  30 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pp.c                | 418 +++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pp.h                |  37 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_regs.h              | 304 +++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_sched.c             | 497 ++++++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_sched.h             | 126 +++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ttm.c               | 409 ++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ttm.h               |  44 ++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_vm.c                | 312 +++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_vm.h                |  73 +++
  include/drm/drm_drv.h                         |  23 +-
  include/uapi/drm/lima_drm.h                   | 195 +++++++
  44 files changed, 5565 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/Kconfig
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/Makefile
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_bcast.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_bcast.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ctx.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ctx.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_device.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_device.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_dlbu.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_dlbu.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_drv.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_drv.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem_prime.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gem_prime.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gp.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_gp.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_l2_cache.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_l2_cache.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_mmu.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_mmu.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_object.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_object.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pmu.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pmu.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pp.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_pp.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_regs.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_sched.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_sched.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ttm.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_ttm.h
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_vm.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/lima/lima_vm.h
  create mode 100644 include/uapi/drm/lima_drm.h

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