Re: [CRTC:24] vblank wait timed out

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On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:42:53AM +0100, Philipp Zabel wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-03-24 at 10:24 +0000, Martyn Welch wrote:
> [...]
> > > Could you move to v4.9 or v4.10 and check if the four patches in
> > >
> > > or
> > >
> > > help?
> > > 
> > 
> > I've updated to v4.10, the patches from v4.10-ipu-dp-plane-fix-2 resolve
> > the error, though we are unfortunately still experiencing the loss of
> > output on LVDS display. Time to look elsewhere for the cause of that I
> > guess. :-)
> Is the LVDS serial clock derived from the video PLL on that board?
> (What is the output of /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary?)

I beleive so. I've included a few dumps from clk_summary below.

> If you are driving high resolution displays from the same IPU, this
> could also be a bandwidth issue. Maybe try severing the ipu1->hdmi and
> ipu2->ldb links in the device tree as done in imx6q-utilite-pro.dts.

This didn't help. Both displays work if either both are plugged in from
boot or the HDMI display is plugged in prior to boot (the LVDS display
can then be plugged in post-boot).

One thing I did notice is that the clock values differ quite a lot when
the LVDS display is plugged in from boot and the HDMI display is plugged
in post-boot. Booting with both displays connected, or booting with the
HDMI display connected and plugging in the LVDS display post-boot result
in matching clock values.

Here are the output of clk_summary for each state:

HDMI attached pre boot, LVDS attached pre boot:

   clock                         enable_cnt  prepare_cnt        rate   accuracy   phase
 anaclk2                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds2_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 anaclk1                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds1_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 dummy                                    3            3           0          0 0  
    lvds2_sel                             0            0           0          0 0  
       lvds2_gate                         0            0           0          0 0  
    usbphy2_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
    usbphy1_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
 clock                                    1            1    22000000          0 0  
 osc                                      7            7    24000000          0 0  
    cko2_sel                              0            0    24000000          0 0  
       cko2_podf                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
          cko2                            0            0    24000000          0 0  
             cko                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
    periph_clk2_sel                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
       periph_clk2                        0            0    24000000          0 0  
    gpt_3m                                1            1     3000000          0 0  
    pll7                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll7_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll7_usb_host                   1            1   480000000          0 0  
             usbphy2                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll6                                  1            1   500000000          0 0  
       pll6_bypass                        1            1   500000000          0 0  
          pll6_enet                       3            3   500000000          0 0  
             enet_ref                     1            1    50000000          0 0  
             pcie_ref                     1            1   125000000          0 0  
                pcie_ref_125m             1            1   125000000          0 0  
             sata_ref                     1            1   100000000          0 0  
                sata_ref_100m             1            1   100000000          0 0  
                   lvds1_sel              1            1   100000000          0 0  
                      lvds1_gate           1            1   100000000          0 0  
    pll5                                  1            1   756000000          0 0  
       pll5_bypass                        1            1   756000000          0 0  
          pll5_video                      1            1   756000000          0 0  
             pll5_post_div                1            1   378000000          0 0  
                pll5_video_div            2            2   378000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di1_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di1_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di1_sel           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di1           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di0_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di0_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di1_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di1_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di1_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di1           2            2   108000000          0 0  
                               ipu2_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                                  ipu2_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di0_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di0_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di0_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
    pll4                                  0            0   147456000          0 0  
       pll4_bypass                        0            0   147456000          0 0  
          pll4_audio                      0            0   147456000          0 0  
             pll4_post_div                0            0    36864000          0 0  
                pll4_audio_div            0            0    36864000          0 0  
    pll3                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll3_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll3_usb_otg                    5            6   480000000          0 0  
             gpu2d_core_sel               1            1   480000000          0 0  
                gpu2d_core_podf           1            1   480000000          0 0  
                   gpu2d_core             2            2   480000000          0 0  
             asrc_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                asrc_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   asrc_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      asrc                0            0    30000000          0 0  
             esai_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                esai_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   esai_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      esai_extal           0            0    30000000          0 0  
             periph2_clk2_sel             0            0   480000000          0 0  
                periph2_clk2              0            0   480000000          0 0  
             pll3_60m                     0            1    60000000          0 0  
                can_root                  0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can2_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can1_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                ecspi_root                0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi5                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi4                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi3                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi2                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi1                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
             pll3_80m                     1            1    80000000          0 0  
                uart_serial_podf           1            1    80000000          0 0  
                   uart_serial            1            2    80000000          0 0  
             pll3_120m                    0            0   120000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd3_454m               0            0   454736842          0 0  
                spdif_sel                 0            0   454736842          0 0  
                   spdif_pred             0            0   227368421          0 0  
                      spdif_podf           0            0    28421053          0 0  
                         spdif            0            0    28421053          0 0  
             pll3_pfd2_508m               0            0   508235294          0 0  
                ssi3_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi3_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi3_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi3             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi2_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi2_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi2_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi2             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi1_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi1_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi1_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi1             0            0    63529412          0 0  
             pll3_pfd1_540m               1            1   540000000          0 0  
                video_27m                 1            1    27000000          0 0  
                   mipi_core_cfg           0            0    27000000          0 0  
                   hdmi_isfr              1            1    27000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd0_720m               0            0   720000000          0 0  
             usbphy1                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll2                                  1            1   528000000          0 0  
       pll2_bypass                        1            1   528000000          0 0  
          pll2_bus                        3            3   528000000          0 0  
             periph2_pre                  0            0   528000000          0 0  
                periph2                   0            0   528000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch1_axi_podf           0            0   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch1_axi           0            0   528000000          0 0  
             periph_pre                   1            1   528000000          0 0  
                periph                    3            3   528000000          0 0  
                   ahb                    6            6   132000000          0 0  
                      sdma               12            2   132000000          0 0  
                      sata                1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      rom                 1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      ocram               1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      hdmi_iahb           1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_aclk           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      cko1_sel            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         cko1_podf           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                            cko1           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                      ipg                 6            6    66000000          0 0  
                         usboh3           2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         uart_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi3_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi1_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         spdif_gclk           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         spba             0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         mipi_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         iim              0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         gpt_ipg           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                         enet             2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         can2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         can1_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         caam_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ipg_per           4            4    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm4           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm3           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm2           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c3           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c2           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            gpt_ipg_per           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch0_axi_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch0_axi           4            4   528000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_core_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            gpu3d_core_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                               gpu3d_core           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu1_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu1           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu2           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                   axi_sel                1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      axi                 4            4   264000000          0 0  
                         openvg_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         mlb              0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu2d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         pcie_axi_sel           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                            pcie_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         eim_slow_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            eim_slow_podf           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                               eim_slow           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         vdo_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vdo_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vdoa           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         vpu_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vpu_axi_podf           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vpu_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd2_396m               3            3   432000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di1_pre_sel           0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di1_pre           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di1_sel           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di1           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di0_pre_sel           1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di0_pre           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                enfc_sel                  0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   enfc_pred              0            0    86400000          0 0  
                      enfc_podf           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                         enfc             0            0    21600000          0 0  
                            gpmi_io           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                eim_sel                   0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   eim_podf               0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc4_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc4_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc4              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc3_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc3_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc3              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         apbh_dma           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         per1_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc2_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc2_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc2              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc1_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc1_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc1              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                hsi_tx_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   hsi_tx_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      hsi_tx              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                step                      0            0   432000000          0 0  
                pll2_198m                 0            0   216000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd1_594m               1            1   594000000          0 0  
                gpu3d_shader_sel           1            1   594000000          0 0  
                   gpu3d_shader           1            1   594000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd0_352m               0            0   352000000          0 0  
    pll1                                  1            1   996000000          0 0  
       pll1_bypass                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
          pll1_sys                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
             pll1_sw                      1            1   996000000          0 0  
                arm                       2            2   996000000          0 0  
                   twd                    1            1   498000000          0 0  
    pll7_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll6_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll5_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll4_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll3_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll2_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll1_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
 ckih1                                    0            0           0          0 0  
 ckil                                     0            0       32768          0 0  

HDMI attached pre boot, no LVDS:

   clock                         enable_cnt  prepare_cnt        rate   accuracy   phase
 anaclk2                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds2_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 anaclk1                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds1_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 dummy                                    3            3           0          0 0  
    lvds2_sel                             0            0           0          0 0  
       lvds2_gate                         0            0           0          0 0  
    usbphy2_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
    usbphy1_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
 clock                                    1            1    22000000          0 0  
 osc                                      6            6    24000000          0 0  
    cko2_sel                              0            0    24000000          0 0  
       cko2_podf                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
          cko2                            0            0    24000000          0 0  
             cko                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
    periph_clk2_sel                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
       periph_clk2                        0            0    24000000          0 0  
    gpt_3m                                1            1     3000000          0 0  
    pll7                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll7_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll7_usb_host                   1            1   480000000          0 0  
             usbphy2                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll6                                  1            1   500000000          0 0  
       pll6_bypass                        1            1   500000000          0 0  
          pll6_enet                       3            3   500000000          0 0  
             enet_ref                     1            1    50000000          0 0  
             pcie_ref                     1            1   125000000          0 0  
                pcie_ref_125m             1            1   125000000          0 0  
             sata_ref                     1            1   100000000          0 0  
                sata_ref_100m             1            1   100000000          0 0  
                   lvds1_sel              1            1   100000000          0 0  
                      lvds1_gate           1            1   100000000          0 0  
    pll5                                  0            0   296600000          0 0  
       pll5_bypass                        0            0   296600000          0 0  
          pll5_video                      0            0   296600000          0 0  
             pll5_post_div                0            0    74150000          0 0  
                pll5_video_div            0            0    74150000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di1_pre_sel           0            0    74150000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di1_pre           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                         ipu2_di1_sel           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                            ipu2_di1           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                   ipu2_di0_pre_sel           0            0    74150000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di0_pre           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                         ipu2_di0_sel           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                            ipu2_di0           0            0    24716667          0 0  
                   ldb_di1_sel            0            0    74150000          0 0  
                      ldb_di1_div_3_5           0            0    21185714          0 0  
                         ldb_di1_podf           0            0    10592857          0 0  
                            ldb_di1           0            0    10592857          0 0  
                   ldb_di0_sel            0            0    74150000          0 0  
                      ldb_di0_div_3_5           0            0    21185714          0 0  
                         ldb_di0_podf           0            0    10592857          0 0  
                            ldb_di0           0            0    10592857          0 0  
    pll4                                  0            0   147456000          0 0  
       pll4_bypass                        0            0   147456000          0 0  
          pll4_audio                      0            0   147456000          0 0  
             pll4_post_div                0            0    36864000          0 0  
                pll4_audio_div            0            0    36864000          0 0  
    pll3                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll3_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll3_usb_otg                    5            6   480000000          0 0  
             gpu2d_core_sel               1            1   480000000          0 0  
                gpu2d_core_podf           1            1   480000000          0 0  
                   gpu2d_core             2            2   480000000          0 0  
             asrc_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                asrc_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   asrc_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      asrc                0            0    30000000          0 0  
             esai_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                esai_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   esai_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      esai_extal           0            0    30000000          0 0  
             periph2_clk2_sel             0            0   480000000          0 0  
                periph2_clk2              0            0   480000000          0 0  
             pll3_60m                     0            1    60000000          0 0  
                can_root                  0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can2_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can1_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                ecspi_root                0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi5                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi4                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi3                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi2                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi1                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
             pll3_80m                     1            1    80000000          0 0  
                uart_serial_podf           1            1    80000000          0 0  
                   uart_serial            1            2    80000000          0 0  
             pll3_120m                    0            0   120000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd3_454m               0            0   454736842          0 0  
                spdif_sel                 0            0   454736842          0 0  
                   spdif_pred             0            0   227368421          0 0  
                      spdif_podf           0            0    28421053          0 0  
                         spdif            0            0    28421053          0 0  
             pll3_pfd2_508m               0            0   508235294          0 0  
                ssi3_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi3_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi3_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi3             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi2_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi2_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi2_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi2             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi1_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi1_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi1_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi1             0            0    63529412          0 0  
             pll3_pfd1_540m               1            1   540000000          0 0  
                video_27m                 1            1    27000000          0 0  
                   mipi_core_cfg           0            0    27000000          0 0  
                   hdmi_isfr              1            1    27000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd0_720m               0            0   720000000          0 0  
             usbphy1                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll2                                  1            1   528000000          0 0  
       pll2_bypass                        1            1   528000000          0 0  
          pll2_bus                        3            3   528000000          0 0  
             periph2_pre                  0            0   528000000          0 0  
                periph2                   0            0   528000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch1_axi_podf           0            0   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch1_axi           0            0   528000000          0 0  
             periph_pre                   1            1   528000000          0 0  
                periph                    3            3   528000000          0 0  
                   ahb                    6            6   132000000          0 0  
                      sdma               12            2   132000000          0 0  
                      sata                1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      rom                 1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      ocram               1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      hdmi_iahb           1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_aclk           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      cko1_sel            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         cko1_podf           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                            cko1           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                      ipg                 6            6    66000000          0 0  
                         usboh3           2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         uart_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi3_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi1_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         spdif_gclk           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         spba             0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         mipi_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         iim              0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         gpt_ipg           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                         enet             2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         can2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         can1_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         caam_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ipg_per           4            4    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm4           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm3           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm2           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c3           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c2           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            gpt_ipg_per           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch0_axi_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch0_axi           4            4   528000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_core_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            gpu3d_core_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                               gpu3d_core           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu1_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu1           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu2           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                   axi_sel                1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      axi                 4            4   264000000          0 0  
                         openvg_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         mlb              0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu2d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         pcie_axi_sel           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                            pcie_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         eim_slow_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            eim_slow_podf           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                               eim_slow           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         vdo_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vdo_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vdoa           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         vpu_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vpu_axi_podf           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vpu_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd2_396m               3            3   432000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di1_pre_sel           0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di1_pre           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di1_sel           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di1           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di0_pre_sel           1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di0_pre           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                enfc_sel                  0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   enfc_pred              0            0    86400000          0 0  
                      enfc_podf           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                         enfc             0            0    21600000          0 0  
                            gpmi_io           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                eim_sel                   0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   eim_podf               0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc4_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc4_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc4              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc3_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc3_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc3              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         apbh_dma           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         per1_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc2_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc2_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc2              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc1_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc1_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc1              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                hsi_tx_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   hsi_tx_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      hsi_tx              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                step                      0            0   432000000          0 0  
                pll2_198m                 0            0   216000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd1_594m               1            1   594000000          0 0  
                gpu3d_shader_sel           1            1   594000000          0 0  
                   gpu3d_shader           1            1   594000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd0_352m               0            0   352000000          0 0  
    pll1                                  1            1   996000000          0 0  
       pll1_bypass                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
          pll1_sys                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
             pll1_sw                      1            1   996000000          0 0  
                arm                       2            2   996000000          0 0  
                   twd                    1            1   498000000          0 0  
    pll7_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll6_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll5_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll4_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll3_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll2_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll1_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
 ckih1                                    0            0           0          0 0  
 ckil                                     0            0       32768          0 0  

HDMI attached pre boot, LVDS attached after boot:

   clock                         enable_cnt  prepare_cnt        rate   accuracy   phase
 anaclk2                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds2_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 anaclk1                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds1_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 dummy                                    3            3           0          0 0  
    lvds2_sel                             0            0           0          0 0  
       lvds2_gate                         0            0           0          0 0  
    usbphy2_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
    usbphy1_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
 clock                                    1            1    22000000          0 0  
 osc                                      7            7    24000000          0 0  
    cko2_sel                              0            0    24000000          0 0  
       cko2_podf                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
          cko2                            0            0    24000000          0 0  
             cko                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
    periph_clk2_sel                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
       periph_clk2                        0            0    24000000          0 0  
    gpt_3m                                1            1     3000000          0 0  
    pll7                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll7_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll7_usb_host                   1            1   480000000          0 0  
             usbphy2                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll6                                  1            1   500000000          0 0  
       pll6_bypass                        1            1   500000000          0 0  
          pll6_enet                       3            3   500000000          0 0  
             enet_ref                     1            1    50000000          0 0  
             pcie_ref                     1            1   125000000          0 0  
                pcie_ref_125m             1            1   125000000          0 0  
             sata_ref                     1            1   100000000          0 0  
                sata_ref_100m             1            1   100000000          0 0  
                   lvds1_sel              1            1   100000000          0 0  
                      lvds1_gate           1            1   100000000          0 0  
    pll5                                  1            1   756000000          0 0  
       pll5_bypass                        1            1   756000000          0 0  
          pll5_video                      1            1   756000000          0 0  
             pll5_post_div                1            1   378000000          0 0  
                pll5_video_div            2            2   378000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di1_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di1_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di1_sel           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di1           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di0_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di0_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di1_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di1_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di1_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di1           2            2   108000000          0 0  
                               ipu2_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                                  ipu2_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di0_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di0_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di0_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
    pll4                                  0            0   147456000          0 0  
       pll4_bypass                        0            0   147456000          0 0  
          pll4_audio                      0            0   147456000          0 0  
             pll4_post_div                0            0    36864000          0 0  
                pll4_audio_div            0            0    36864000          0 0  
    pll3                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll3_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll3_usb_otg                    5            6   480000000          0 0  
             gpu2d_core_sel               1            1   480000000          0 0  
                gpu2d_core_podf           1            1   480000000          0 0  
                   gpu2d_core             2            2   480000000          0 0  
             asrc_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                asrc_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   asrc_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      asrc                0            0    30000000          0 0  
             esai_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                esai_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   esai_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      esai_extal           0            0    30000000          0 0  
             periph2_clk2_sel             0            0   480000000          0 0  
                periph2_clk2              0            0   480000000          0 0  
             pll3_60m                     0            1    60000000          0 0  
                can_root                  0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can2_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can1_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                ecspi_root                0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi5                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi4                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi3                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi2                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi1                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
             pll3_80m                     1            1    80000000          0 0  
                uart_serial_podf           1            1    80000000          0 0  
                   uart_serial            1            2    80000000          0 0  
             pll3_120m                    0            0   120000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd3_454m               0            0   454736842          0 0  
                spdif_sel                 0            0   454736842          0 0  
                   spdif_pred             0            0   227368421          0 0  
                      spdif_podf           0            0    28421053          0 0  
                         spdif            0            0    28421053          0 0  
             pll3_pfd2_508m               0            0   508235294          0 0  
                ssi3_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi3_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi3_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi3             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi2_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi2_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi2_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi2             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi1_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi1_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi1_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi1             0            0    63529412          0 0  
             pll3_pfd1_540m               1            1   540000000          0 0  
                video_27m                 1            1    27000000          0 0  
                   mipi_core_cfg           0            0    27000000          0 0  
                   hdmi_isfr              1            1    27000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd0_720m               0            0   720000000          0 0  
             usbphy1                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll2                                  1            1   528000000          0 0  
       pll2_bypass                        1            1   528000000          0 0  
          pll2_bus                        3            3   528000000          0 0  
             periph2_pre                  0            0   528000000          0 0  
                periph2                   0            0   528000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch1_axi_podf           0            0   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch1_axi           0            0   528000000          0 0  
             periph_pre                   1            1   528000000          0 0  
                periph                    3            3   528000000          0 0  
                   ahb                    6            6   132000000          0 0  
                      sdma               12            2   132000000          0 0  
                      sata                1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      rom                 1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      ocram               1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      hdmi_iahb           1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_aclk           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      cko1_sel            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         cko1_podf           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                            cko1           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                      ipg                 6            6    66000000          0 0  
                         usboh3           2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         uart_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi3_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi1_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         spdif_gclk           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         spba             0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         mipi_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         iim              0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         gpt_ipg           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                         enet             2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         can2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         can1_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         caam_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ipg_per           4            4    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm4           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm3           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm2           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c3           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c2           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            gpt_ipg_per           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch0_axi_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch0_axi           4            4   528000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_core_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            gpu3d_core_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                               gpu3d_core           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu1_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu1           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu2           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                   axi_sel                1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      axi                 4            4   264000000          0 0  
                         openvg_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         mlb              0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu2d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         pcie_axi_sel           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                            pcie_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         eim_slow_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            eim_slow_podf           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                               eim_slow           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         vdo_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vdo_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vdoa           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         vpu_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vpu_axi_podf           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vpu_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd2_396m               3            3   432000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di1_pre_sel           0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di1_pre           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di1_sel           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di1           0            0   144000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di0_pre_sel           1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di0_pre           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                enfc_sel                  0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   enfc_pred              0            0    86400000          0 0  
                      enfc_podf           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                         enfc             0            0    21600000          0 0  
                            gpmi_io           0            0    21600000          0 0  
                eim_sel                   0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   eim_podf               0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc4_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc4_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc4              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc3_sel                1            1   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc3_podf            1            1   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc3              3            3   216000000          0 0  
                         apbh_dma           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         per1_bch           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_apb           0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc2_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc2_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc2              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                usdhc1_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   usdhc1_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      usdhc1              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                hsi_tx_sel                0            0   432000000          0 0  
                   hsi_tx_podf            0            0   216000000          0 0  
                      hsi_tx              0            0   216000000          0 0  
                step                      0            0   432000000          0 0  
                pll2_198m                 0            0   216000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd1_594m               1            1   594000000          0 0  
                gpu3d_shader_sel           1            1   594000000          0 0  
                   gpu3d_shader           1            1   594000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd0_352m               0            0   352000000          0 0  
    pll1                                  1            1   996000000          0 0  
       pll1_bypass                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
          pll1_sys                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
             pll1_sw                      1            1   996000000          0 0  
                arm                       2            2   996000000          0 0  
                   twd                    1            1   498000000          0 0  
    pll7_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll6_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll5_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll4_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll3_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll2_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll1_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
 ckih1                                    0            0           0          0 0  
 ckil                                     0            0       32768          0 0  

No HDMI, LVDS attached pre boot:

   clock                         enable_cnt  prepare_cnt        rate   accuracy   phase
 anaclk2                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds2_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 anaclk1                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds1_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 dummy                                    3            3           0          0 0  
    lvds2_sel                             0            0           0          0 0  
       lvds2_gate                         0            0           0          0 0  
    usbphy2_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
    usbphy1_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
 clock                                    1            1    22000000          0 0  
 osc                                      7            7    24000000          0 0  
    cko2_sel                              0            0    24000000          0 0  
       cko2_podf                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
          cko2                            0            0    24000000          0 0  
             cko                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
    periph_clk2_sel                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
       periph_clk2                        0            0    24000000          0 0  
    gpt_3m                                1            1     3000000          0 0  
    pll7                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll7_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll7_usb_host                   1            1   480000000          0 0  
             usbphy2                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll6                                  1            1   500000000          0 0  
       pll6_bypass                        1            1   500000000          0 0  
          pll6_enet                       3            3   500000000          0 0  
             enet_ref                     1            1    50000000          0 0  
             pcie_ref                     1            1   125000000          0 0  
                pcie_ref_125m             1            1   125000000          0 0  
             sata_ref                     1            1   100000000          0 0  
                sata_ref_100m             1            1   100000000          0 0  
                   lvds1_sel              1            1   100000000          0 0  
                      lvds1_gate           1            1   100000000          0 0  
    pll5                                  1            1   756000000          0 0  
       pll5_bypass                        1            1   756000000          0 0  
          pll5_video                      1            1   756000000          0 0  
             pll5_post_div                1            1   378000000          0 0  
                pll5_video_div            2            2   378000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di1_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di1_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di1_sel           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di1           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di0_pre_sel           0            0   378000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di0_pre           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di0_sel           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di0           0            0   126000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di1_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di1_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di1_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di1           2            2   108000000          0 0  
                               ipu1_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                                  ipu1_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di0_sel            1            1   378000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di0_div_3_5           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ldb_di0_podf           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ldb_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
    pll4                                  0            0   147456000          0 0  
       pll4_bypass                        0            0   147456000          0 0  
          pll4_audio                      0            0   147456000          0 0  
             pll4_post_div                0            0    36864000          0 0  
                pll4_audio_div            0            0    36864000          0 0  
    pll3                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll3_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll3_usb_otg                    5            6   480000000          0 0  
             gpu2d_core_sel               1            1   480000000          0 0  
                gpu2d_core_podf           1            1   480000000          0 0  
                   gpu2d_core             2            2   480000000          0 0  
             asrc_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                asrc_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   asrc_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      asrc                0            0    30000000          0 0  
             esai_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                esai_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   esai_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      esai_extal           0            0    30000000          0 0  
             periph2_clk2_sel             0            0   480000000          0 0  
                periph2_clk2              0            0   480000000          0 0  
             pll3_60m                     0            1    60000000          0 0  
                can_root                  0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can2_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can1_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                ecspi_root                0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi5                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi4                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi3                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi2                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi1                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
             pll3_80m                     1            1    80000000          0 0  
                uart_serial_podf           1            1    80000000          0 0  
                   uart_serial            1            2    80000000          0 0  
             pll3_120m                    0            0   120000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd3_454m               0            0   454736842          0 0  
                spdif_sel                 0            0   454736842          0 0  
                   spdif_pred             0            0   227368421          0 0  
                      spdif_podf           0            0    28421053          0 0  
                         spdif            0            0    28421053          0 0  
             pll3_pfd2_508m               0            0   508235294          0 0  
                ssi3_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi3_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi3_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi3             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi2_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi2_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi2_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi2             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi1_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi1_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi1_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi1             0            0    63529412          0 0  
             pll3_pfd1_540m               1            1   540000000          0 0  
                video_27m                 1            1    27000000          0 0  
                   mipi_core_cfg           0            0    27000000          0 0  
                   hdmi_isfr              1            1    27000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd0_720m               0            0   720000000          0 0  
             usbphy1                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll2                                  1            1   528000000          0 0  
       pll2_bypass                        1            1   528000000          0 0  
          pll2_bus                        3            3   528000000          0 0  
             periph2_pre                  0            0   528000000          0 0  
                periph2                   0            0   528000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch1_axi_podf           0            0   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch1_axi           0            0   528000000          0 0  
             periph_pre                   1            1   528000000          0 0  
                periph                    3            3   528000000          0 0  
                   ahb                    6            6   132000000          0 0  
                      sdma               12            2   132000000          0 0  
                      sata                1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      rom                 1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      ocram               1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      hdmi_iahb           1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_aclk           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      cko1_sel            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         cko1_podf           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                            cko1           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                      ipg                 6            6    66000000          0 0  
                         usboh3           2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         uart_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi3_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi1_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         spdif_gclk           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         spba             0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         mipi_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         iim              0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         gpt_ipg           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                         enet             2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         can2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         can1_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         caam_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ipg_per           4            4    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm4           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm3           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm2           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c3           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c2           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            gpt_ipg_per           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch0_axi_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch0_axi           4            4   528000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_core_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            gpu3d_core_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                               gpu3d_core           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu1_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu1           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu2           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                   axi_sel                1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      axi                 4            4   264000000          0 0  
                         openvg_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         mlb              0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu2d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         pcie_axi_sel           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                            pcie_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         eim_slow_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            eim_slow_podf           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                               eim_slow           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         vdo_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vdo_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vdoa           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         vpu_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vpu_axi_podf           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vpu_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd2_396m               2            2   396000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di1_pre_sel           0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di1_pre           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di1_sel           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di1           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di0_pre_sel           0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di0_pre           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                enfc_sel                  0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   enfc_pred              0            0    79200000          0 0  
                      enfc_podf           0            0    19800000          0 0  
                         enfc             0            0    19800000          0 0  
                            gpmi_io           0            0    19800000          0 0  
                eim_sel                   0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   eim_podf               0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc4_sel                1            1   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc4_podf            1            1   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc4              3            3   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc3_sel                1            1   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc3_podf            1            1   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc3              3            3   198000000          0 0  
                         apbh_dma           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         per1_bch           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch_apb           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_apb           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc2_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc2_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc2              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc1_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc1_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc1              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                hsi_tx_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   hsi_tx_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      hsi_tx              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                step                      0            0   396000000          0 0  
                pll2_198m                 0            0   198000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd1_594m               1            1   594000000          0 0  
                gpu3d_shader_sel           1            1   594000000          0 0  
                   gpu3d_shader           1            1   594000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd0_352m               0            0   352000000          0 0  
    pll1                                  1            1   996000000          0 0  
       pll1_bypass                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
          pll1_sys                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
             pll1_sw                      1            1   996000000          0 0  
                arm                       2            2   996000000          0 0  
                   twd                    1            1   498000000          0 0  
    pll7_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll6_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll5_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll4_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll3_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll2_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll1_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
 ckih1                                    0            0           0          0 0  
 ckil                                     0            0       32768          0 0  

HDMI attached after boot, LVDS attached pre boot:

   clock                         enable_cnt  prepare_cnt        rate   accuracy   phase
 anaclk2                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds2_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 anaclk1                                  0            0           0          0 0  
    lvds1_in                              0            0           0          0 0  
 dummy                                    3            3           0          0 0  
    lvds2_sel                             0            0           0          0 0  
       lvds2_gate                         0            0           0          0 0  
    usbphy2_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
    usbphy1_gate                          1            1           0          0 0  
 clock                                    1            1    22000000          0 0  
 osc                                      7            7    24000000          0 0  
    cko2_sel                              0            0    24000000          0 0  
       cko2_podf                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
          cko2                            0            0    24000000          0 0  
             cko                          0            0    24000000          0 0  
    periph_clk2_sel                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
       periph_clk2                        0            0    24000000          0 0  
    gpt_3m                                1            1     3000000          0 0  
    pll7                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll7_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll7_usb_host                   1            1   480000000          0 0  
             usbphy2                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll6                                  1            1   500000000          0 0  
       pll6_bypass                        1            1   500000000          0 0  
          pll6_enet                       3            3   500000000          0 0  
             enet_ref                     1            1    50000000          0 0  
             pcie_ref                     1            1   125000000          0 0  
                pcie_ref_125m             1            1   125000000          0 0  
             sata_ref                     1            1   100000000          0 0  
                sata_ref_100m             1            1   100000000          0 0  
                   lvds1_sel              1            1   100000000          0 0  
                      lvds1_gate           1            1   100000000          0 0  
    pll5                                  1            1   864000000          0 0  
       pll5_bypass                        1            1   864000000          0 0  
          pll5_video                      1            1   864000000          0 0  
             pll5_post_div                1            1   216000000          0 0  
                pll5_video_div            3            3   108000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di1_pre_sel           0            0   108000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di1_pre           0            0    36000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di1_sel           0            0    36000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di1           0            0    36000000          0 0  
                   ipu2_di0_pre_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ipu2_di0_pre           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_di0_sel           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_di0           1            1   108000000          0 0  
                   ldb_di1_sel            1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di1_div_3_5           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                         ldb_di1_podf           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                            ldb_di1           2            2    30857142          0 0  
                               ipu1_di0_sel           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                                  ipu1_di0           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                   ldb_di0_sel            1            1   108000000          0 0  
                      ldb_di0_div_3_5           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                         ldb_di0_podf           1            1    30857142          0 0  
                            ldb_di0           1            1    30857142          0 0  
    pll4                                  0            0   147456000          0 0  
       pll4_bypass                        0            0   147456000          0 0  
          pll4_audio                      0            0   147456000          0 0  
             pll4_post_div                0            0    36864000          0 0  
                pll4_audio_div            0            0    36864000          0 0  
    pll3                                  1            1   480000000          0 0  
       pll3_bypass                        1            1   480000000          0 0  
          pll3_usb_otg                    5            6   480000000          0 0  
             gpu2d_core_sel               1            1   480000000          0 0  
                gpu2d_core_podf           1            1   480000000          0 0  
                   gpu2d_core             2            2   480000000          0 0  
             asrc_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                asrc_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   asrc_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      asrc                0            0    30000000          0 0  
             esai_sel                     0            0   480000000          0 0  
                esai_pred                 0            0   240000000          0 0  
                   esai_podf              0            0    30000000          0 0  
                      esai_extal           0            0    30000000          0 0  
             periph2_clk2_sel             0            0   480000000          0 0  
                periph2_clk2              0            0   480000000          0 0  
             pll3_60m                     0            1    60000000          0 0  
                can_root                  0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can2_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                   can1_serial            0            0    30000000          0 0  
                ecspi_root                0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi5                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi4                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi3                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi2                 0            0    60000000          0 0  
                   ecspi1                 0            2    60000000          0 0  
             pll3_80m                     1            1    80000000          0 0  
                uart_serial_podf           1            1    80000000          0 0  
                   uart_serial            1            2    80000000          0 0  
             pll3_120m                    0            0   120000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd3_454m               0            0   454736842          0 0  
                spdif_sel                 0            0   454736842          0 0  
                   spdif_pred             0            0   227368421          0 0  
                      spdif_podf           0            0    28421053          0 0  
                         spdif            0            0    28421053          0 0  
             pll3_pfd2_508m               0            0   508235294          0 0  
                ssi3_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi3_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi3_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi3             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi2_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi2_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi2_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi2             0            0    63529412          0 0  
                ssi1_sel                  0            0   508235294          0 0  
                   ssi1_pred              0            0   127058824          0 0  
                      ssi1_podf           0            0    63529412          0 0  
                         ssi1             0            0    63529412          0 0  
             pll3_pfd1_540m               1            1   540000000          0 0  
                video_27m                 1            1    27000000          0 0  
                   mipi_core_cfg           0            0    27000000          0 0  
                   hdmi_isfr              1            1    27000000          0 0  
             pll3_pfd0_720m               0            0   720000000          0 0  
             usbphy1                      1            1   480000000          0 0  
    pll2                                  1            1   528000000          0 0  
       pll2_bypass                        1            1   528000000          0 0  
          pll2_bus                        3            3   528000000          0 0  
             periph2_pre                  0            0   528000000          0 0  
                periph2                   0            0   528000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch1_axi_podf           0            0   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch1_axi           0            0   528000000          0 0  
             periph_pre                   1            1   528000000          0 0  
                periph                    3            3   528000000          0 0  
                   ahb                    6            6   132000000          0 0  
                      sdma               12            2   132000000          0 0  
                      sata                1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      rom                 1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      ocram               1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      hdmi_iahb           1            1   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      esai_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_aclk           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      caam_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_mem            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      asrc_ipg            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      cko1_sel            0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         cko1_podf           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                            cko1           0            0    16500000          0 0  
                      ipg                 6            6    66000000          0 0  
                         usboh3           2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         uart_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi3_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ssi1_ipg           1            2    66000000          0 0  
                         spdif_gclk           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         spba             0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         mipi_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         iim              0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         gpt_ipg           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                         enet             2            2    66000000          0 0  
                         can2_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         can1_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         caam_ipg           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                         ipg_per           4            4    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm4           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm3           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm2           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                            pwm1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c3           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c2           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            i2c1           1            1    66000000          0 0  
                            gpt_ipg_per           0            0    66000000          0 0  
                   mmdc_ch0_axi_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      mmdc_ch0_axi           4            4   528000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_core_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            gpu3d_core_podf           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                               gpu3d_core           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu1_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu1           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         ipu2_sel           1            1   528000000          0 0  
                            ipu2_podf           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                               ipu2           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                   axi_sel                1            1   528000000          0 0  
                      axi                 4            4   264000000          0 0  
                         openvg_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         mlb              0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu2d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         gpu3d_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         pcie_axi_sel           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                            pcie_axi           1            1   264000000          0 0  
                         eim_slow_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            eim_slow_podf           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                               eim_slow           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         vdo_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vdo_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vdoa           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                         vpu_axi_sel           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                            vpu_axi_podf           0            0   264000000          0 0  
                               vpu_axi           0            0   264000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd2_396m               2            2   396000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di1_pre_sel           0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di1_pre           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                      ipu1_di1_sel           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                         ipu1_di1           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                ipu1_di0_pre_sel           0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   ipu1_di0_pre           0            0   132000000          0 0  
                enfc_sel                  0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   enfc_pred              0            0    79200000          0 0  
                      enfc_podf           0            0    19800000          0 0  
                         enfc             0            0    19800000          0 0  
                            gpmi_io           0            0    19800000          0 0  
                eim_sel                   0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   eim_podf               0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc4_sel                1            1   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc4_podf            1            1   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc4              3            3   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc3_sel                1            1   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc3_podf            1            1   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc3              3            3   198000000          0 0  
                         apbh_dma           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         per1_bch           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_bch_apb           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                         gpmi_apb           0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc2_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc2_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc2              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                usdhc1_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   usdhc1_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      usdhc1              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                hsi_tx_sel                0            0   396000000          0 0  
                   hsi_tx_podf            0            0   198000000          0 0  
                      hsi_tx              0            0   198000000          0 0  
                step                      0            0   396000000          0 0  
                pll2_198m                 0            0   198000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd1_594m               1            1   594000000          0 0  
                gpu3d_shader_sel           1            1   594000000          0 0  
                   gpu3d_shader           1            1   594000000          0 0  
             pll2_pfd0_352m               0            0   352000000          0 0  
    pll1                                  1            1   996000000          0 0  
       pll1_bypass                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
          pll1_sys                        1            1   996000000          0 0  
             pll1_sw                      1            1   996000000          0 0  
                arm                       2            2   996000000          0 0  
                   twd                    1            1   498000000          0 0  
    pll7_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll6_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll5_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll4_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll3_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll2_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
    pll1_bypass_src                       0            0    24000000          0 0  
 ckih1                                    0            0           0          0 0  
 ckil                                     0            0       32768          0 0  

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