Re: dma_find_channel(DMA_MEMCPY) on ioat

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On 3/3/25 8:41 AM, Carlos Sergio Bederian wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 12:25 PM Dave Jiang <dave.jiang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 3/1/25 8:17 AM, Carlos Sergio Bederian wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 6:39 PM Dave Jiang <dave.jiang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On 2/28/25 2:23 PM, Carlos Sergio Bederian wrote:
>>>>> I work at an HPC center and I've been trying to figure out why the
>>>>> knem intra-node communication kernel module stopped being able to use
>>>>> IOAT to offload memcpy at some point in time, presumably a long time
>>>>> ago.
>>>>> The knem module uses dma_find_channel(DMA_MEMCPY) to get a dma_chan so
>>>>> I wrote a test kernel module that tries to grab a dma_chan using both
>>>>> dma_find_channel and dma_request_channel and then submits a memcpy.
>>>>> dma_request_channel succeeds in returning a DMA_MEMCPY channel, but
>>>>> dma_find_channel never does, regardless of order. This is on a Debian
>>>>> 6.12.9 kernel.
>>>>> Is there anything I'm missing?
>>>> Does dmatest work for you?
>>> Yup, I've just compiled 6.12.17 with dmatest and it ran fine on every channel
>>> listed in /sys/class/dma. No changes wrt dma_find_channel.
>> If dmatest is working then there does not appear to be any kernel
>> regressions AFAICT. You can either try to do a git bisect and figure out
>> what changed for you, or you can do some code tracing with
>> dma_find_channel() and see why your code is failing to locate a channel.
>> You can also compare your code with dmatest and see if there is anything
>> you may need to tweak for your code.
> AFAICT dmatest only calls dma_request_channel(), it doesn't cover
> dma_find_channel().

I think what changed was setting the channels in ioat with DMA_PRIVATE, which made them unavailable with channel_table that dma_find_channel() is expecting. I suggest you switch your code to use dma_request_channel().

>> DJ
>>>> Also, make sure dmatest isn't loaded when you have your module loaded.
>>> dmatest wasn't even built.
>>>> Or any other kernel module that uses dma like ntb_transport isn't claiming
>>>> the channels.
>>> No users AFAICT.
>>>> DJ
>>>>> static struct dma_chan* dma_req(void) {
>>>>>     struct dma_chan* chan = NULL;
>>>>>     dma_cap_mask_t mask;
>>>>>     dma_cap_zero(mask);
>>>>>     dma_cap_set(DMA_MEMCPY, mask);
>>>>>     chan = dma_request_channel(mask, NULL, NULL);
>>>>>     if (!chan) {
>>>>>         pr_err("dmacopy: dma_request_channel didn't return a channel");
>>>>>     } else {
>>>>>         pr_info("dmacopy: dma_request_channel succeeded");
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     return chan;
>>>>> }
>>>>> static struct dma_chan* dma_find(void) {
>>>>>     struct dma_chan* chan = NULL;
>>>>>     dmaengine_get();
>>>>>     chan = dma_find_channel(DMA_MEMCPY);
>>>>>     if (!chan) {
>>>>>         pr_err("dmacopy: dma_find_channel didn't return a channel");
>>>>>         dmaengine_put();
>>>>>     } else {
>>>>>         pr_info("dmacopy: dma_find_channel succeeded");
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     return chan;
>>>>> }

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