Hi, here at ESS we are using https://github.com/Xilinx/dma_ip_drivers/tree/master/XDMA/linux-kernel kernel driver today with the micro TCA based data acquisition cards such as https://innovation.desy.de/technologies/microtca/boards/damc_fmc2zup/index_eng.html and https://www.struck.de/sis8300.html. The diver seems to be functioning just fine and it provides all the necessary software interfaces we desire. Looking at the https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/vkoul/dmaengine.git/ I noticed that there is a lot of effort in getting the XDMA dmaengine accepted into mainline kernel. As far as I understand one would need to develop an additional driver that utilizes the XDMA dmaengine driver. Is there a reference implementation of a driver that uses XDMA dmaengine that is similar to the on in dma_ip_drivers github repo? Thank you in advance! //hinko Hinko Kocevar Beam Diagnostics Engineer European Spallation Source ERIC Odarslövsvägen 113, SE-224 84 Lund, Sweden E-mail: hinko.kocevar@xxxxxx