On 27. 09. 22 18:28, Lizhi Hou wrote:
Okay, I got the point. How about changing request/remove APIs to
enable/disable APIs as below
xdma_enable_user_irq(struct platform_device *pdev, u32
user_irq_index, u32 *irq)
user_irq_index: user logic interrupt wire index. (XDMA
driver determines how system IRQs are mapped to DMA channels and user
logic wires)
irq: IRQ number returned for registering interrupt handler
(request_irq()) or passing to existing platform driver.
xdma_disable_user_irq(struct platform_device *pdev, u32
Does this make sense to you?
I think even the "irq" parameter in the enable function is surplus as
the parent driver (the driver of the actual PCIe card) knows* what PCI
irq he has to allocate without XDMA providing the number.
xdma_enable_user_irq(struct platform_device *pdev, u32 user_irq_index);
xdma_disable_user_irq(struct platform_device *pdev, u32 user_irq_index);
should be all that is needed.
* something like:
pci_irq_vector((pdev), PCI_BAR_ID) + NUM_C2H_CHANNELS + NUM_H2C_CHANNELS
can be used from the PCIe driver