Re: Allowed characters in strings passed to/from device-mapper APIs

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On Mon, Mar 10, 2025, at 1:06 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2025, at 11:09 AM, Joe Thornber wrote:
>> This is the Rust library developed by the Stratis project, and I use
>> it in a couple of my projects (blk-archive and
>> thin-provisioning-tools).
> I am aware of this library and in fact have stolen a bunch of code
> from it, but I can't use it directly for the same reason I can't
> use libdevmapper: my library needs to work in a context where the
> base C library is not available and neither is udev.

Oh, also, stealing code from that library doesn't resolve the questions
I came here to ask; in fact it's what brought the issue to my attention
in the first place.  The Stratis people seem to have *blindly assumed*
that *all* C-strings passed to or from the device-mapper ioctls would always
be printable ASCII, and I do not trust that assumption, particularly for
table parameters and target messages.


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