Re: [PATCH 04/19] Revert "multipath-tools: discard san_path_err_XXX feature"

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Hi Muneedra,

> The san_path_err_XX feature was added by me and pushed to the
> upstream.
> And this feature was driven from Brocade Customer Feedback.
> And the below link will give  the history of this where couple of
> discussions went before we started this feature.

I'm aware that you authored the feature. I was not aware of that post
you quoted, thanks for the link. Anyway, you mentioned in that post
that the interested customers were using RHEL, have you made them
upgrade their multipath-tools to recent upstream to use the
san_path_err and/or marginal_path features?

> Our requirement was simple
> For example If there are two paths on a dm-1 say sda and sdb as
> below.
>  #  multipath -ll
>  mpathd (3600110d001ee7f0102050001cc0b6751) dm-1 SANBlaze,VLUN MyLun
>  size=8.0M features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
>  `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
>    |- 8:0:1:0  sda 8:48 active ready  running
>    `- 9:0:1:0  sdb 8:64 active ready  running
>  And on sda if iam seeing lot of errors due to which the sda path is
> fluctuating from failed state to active state and vicevera.
>  The  requirement was something like this  if sda is failed(moved
> from
> active to failed state) for more than X
>  times in a Y duration ,then I want to keep the sda in failed state
> for Z
> duration

Thanks for clarifying what you meant with "is failed". I'd been
wondering if it meant "good"->"failed" transitions, as you just
confirmed, or overall "failed" state count.

>  And the data should travel only through sdb path for Z hrs.
>  From the configuration point of view
>  san_path_err_threshold: The number of times the sda has been moved
> from
> active to failed (from the above example it is X)
>  san_path_err_forget_rate: Watch window (within this time frame if
> the path
> failures (sda moving from active to failed ) are more than err
> threshold
> then don't reinstate the path) (from the above example it is Y)

The "watch window" analogy fits if you have a stable path (no or only
very rare failures over extended periods of time) which suddenly starts
fluctuating. More precisely, a "background" failure rate clearly below
"san_path_err_forget_rate", interchanging with problematic periods in
which the failure rate is significantly higher than
"san_path_err_forget_rate". And that's is the situation the algorithm
was made for, right?

In general, the "time" (in ticks) to reach the treshold is

  t = T / max(1/R - 1/F, 0)

Where T is san_path_err_threshold, R is the average time (in ticks)
between "good"->"failed" transitions of the path, and F is
san_path_err_forget_rate (aka the time in ticks after which
"path_failures" is decremented by 1).

If R >= F, t is infinite; the "path_failures" count effectively stays
0. If R is much smaller than F, t ~ T * R. If R is only a little bit
smaller than F, t is finite but (possibly much) larger than T * R.
That's why I sloppily called F the "maximum tolerable failure rate" in
my previous post.

Best regards,

Dr. Martin Wilck <mwilck@xxxxxxxx>, Tel. +49 (0)911 74053 2107
SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton
HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)

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