On 04/13/2017 06:29 PM, Steffen Maier wrote:
On 04/13/2017 12:22 PM, Steffen Maier wrote:
Does this help somewhat?:
Thanks, I didn't notice that thread. Yes, it will help!
As workaround for eppic scripts in crash, we currently re-define struct
dm_table in eppic scripts, because "set scope dm_table_create" has not
always worked as we liked. Sometimes "whatis dm_table_create" and again
"set scope dm_table_create" worked and we put this in .crashrc, but
eventually gave up and kept our struct re-define.
Before we wrote above posting, we tried this; maybe it helps in your
crash> set gdb on
gdb: on
gdb> ptype struct dm_table
type = struct dm_table {
int undefined__;
gdb> ptype 'drivers/md/dm-table.c'::dm_table
No symbol "dm_table" in specified context.
gdb: gdb request failed: ptype 'drivers/md/dm-table.c'::dm_table
gdb> ptype struct dm_table
type = struct dm_table {
uint64_t features;
struct mapped_device *md;
unsigned int type;
Great! thanks for your sharing:-)
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