user_friendly_filter feature submission

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Attached is my submission for a feature update to the linux multipath. I am trying to add a feature that allows dynamic user friendly names. I feel this will make multipath, cluster friendly, in addition to making multipath more malleable. Right now the user has two dynamic options either use a wwid like 120030a80045bc60000007de800000293 that will be the same on all nodes of a cluster or a name like mpathX where X might deviate on different nodes of a cluster. In practice the best practice is to static name all lun names in /etc/multipath.conf on all nodes. On large clusters with small LUNS this can easily run into thousands of lines per node. I propose a feature that allows the user to supply a sed script that will auto name the LUNS so for example...
   user_friendly_names     yes
120030a80045bc60000007de800000292  -> /dev/mpath/mpath0
120030a80045bc60000007de800000293  -> /dev/mpath/mpath1
On a HP XP12000 class SAN the last 4 digits correspond to CU and LUN
   user_friendly_names     yes
user_friendly_filter "/bin/sed s|^.\{29\}\(.\{2\}\)\(.\{2\}\)|lun_\1_\2|"
120030a80045bc60000007de800000292  -> /dev/mpath/lun_02_92
120030a80045bc60000007de800000293  -> /dev/mpath/lun_02_93

so for example with one line a Admin allows a DBA to see what lun corresponds to what disk array.
are all on one "parity group"
are on another.
If this patch is succesful I would considering working on a module system so that every SAN has a unique naming scheme.
By default a XP12000 would automatically name its luns
where 123 is a unique identifier for the san
while plugin in a EMC might give a name like
But in any case the names will be the same on all nodes as long as the filter is consistent.

Attached is a diff against redhat's source code multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10 as that is the only code base I have available for testing.

If a different format is needed please let me know.

David Davidson

diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/Multipath-usage.txt usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/Multipath-usage.txt --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/Multipath-usage.txt 2008-06-12 19:01:25.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/Multipath-usage.txt 2006-06-06 14:32:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -164,8 +164,7 @@

    NOTE: While the alias in guaranteed to be unique on a node, it
          is not guaranteed to be the same on all nodes using the
- multipath device. Also, it may change. Setting user_friendly_filter
-          will make the device the same if properly set.
+          multipath device. Also, it may change.

    The WWID (World Wide Identifier) is an identifier for the
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/cciss_id/cciss_id and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/cciss_id/cciss_id differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/cciss_id/cciss_id.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/cciss_id/cciss_id.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/bsd.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/bsd.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/crc32.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/crc32.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/dasd.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/dasd.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/devmapper.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/devmapper.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/dos.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/dos.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/gpt.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/gpt.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/kpartx and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/kpartx differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/kpartx.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/kpartx.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/kpartx.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/kpartx.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/lopart.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/lopart.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/mac.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/mac.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/solaris.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/solaris.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/unixware.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/unixware.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/kpartx/xstrncpy.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/kpartx/xstrncpy.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/cciss_tur.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/cciss_tur.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/checkers.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/checkers.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/directio.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/directio.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/emc_clariion.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/emc_clariion.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/hp_sw.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/hp_sw.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/libcheckers-glibc.a and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/libcheckers-glibc.a differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/rdac.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/rdac.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/readsector0.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/readsector0.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libcheckers/tur.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libcheckers/tur.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/alias.c usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/alias.c --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/alias.c 2008-06-12 18:47:41.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/alias.c 2007-06-11 19:24:09.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Christophe Varoqui
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Benjamin Marzinski, Redhat
- * Copyright (c) 2008 David Davidson
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
@@ -17,8 +16,6 @@
#include "debug.h"
#include "uxsock.h"
#include "alias.h"
-#include "callout.h"

@@ -182,21 +179,9 @@
    return -1;

-/*if this wwid is in the binding file set it to alias otherwise
-     * return the last used X in mpathX.*/

-/* By:        Unknown
- * Modified:David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose: Scans the binding file. If the specified wwid is in it set *map_alias - * to the alias. Otherwise leave *map_alias Null and return the last
- *             used X in mpathX.
- * Input: filtered_name - the filter that is going to be used in deciding a name.
- *             map_wwid - the wwid to use.
- * Output:    map_alias - Only if this wwid was in the binding file.
- *             returns the last used X by a mpathX.
- */
static int
-lookup_binding(FILE *f, char *map_wwid, char **map_alias,char *filtered_name)
+lookup_binding(FILE *f, char *map_wwid, char **map_alias)
    char buf[LINE_MAX];
    unsigned int line_nr = 0;
@@ -208,7 +193,6 @@
        char *c, *alias, *wwid;
        int curr_id;

-        /*skip all header info*/
        c = strpbrk(buf, "#\n\r");
        if (c)
@@ -216,13 +200,8 @@
        alias = strtok(buf, " \t");
        if (!alias) /* blank line */
- - /* Keep track of the highest used X in mpathX incase this is a simple
-         * userfreindly name*/
-        if((strcmp(filtered_name,"mpath") == 0)
- && ((sscanf(alias, "mpath%d", &curr_id) == 1) && (curr_id >= id))) {
+        if (sscanf(alias, "mpath%d", &curr_id) == 1 && curr_id >= id)
            id = curr_id + 1;
-        }
        wwid = strtok(NULL, " \t");
        if (!wwid){
@@ -230,7 +209,6 @@
-        /*if the wwid was found return the associated alias.*/
        if (strcmp(wwid, map_wwid) == 0){
            condlog(3, "Found matching wwid [%s] in bindings file."
                "\nSetting alias to %s", wwid, alias);
@@ -288,17 +266,8 @@
    return id;
-/* By:        Unknown
- * Modified    David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose: - * Input: *wwid - the wwid to reserve.
- *             *filtered_name - the alias to use.
- * id - the last use X in mpathX, only relevent if filtered_name is mpath
- * Output:    returns the user friendly alias.
- */
static char *
-allocate_binding(int fd, char *wwid, int id,char *filtered_name)
+allocate_binding(int fd, char *wwid, int id)
    char buf[LINE_MAX];
    off_t offset;
@@ -309,12 +278,7 @@
        return NULL;
- /* digit appended only if alias is mpath, all other aliases must be unique*/
-    if (strcmp(filtered_name,"mpath") == 0){
-        snprintf(buf, LINE_MAX, "mpath%d %s\n", id, wwid);
-    } else {
-        snprintf(buf, LINE_MAX, "%s %s\n", filtered_name, wwid);
-    }
+    snprintf(buf, LINE_MAX, "mpath%d %s\n", id, wwid);
    buf[LINE_MAX - 1] = '\0';

    offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
@@ -342,29 +306,14 @@
    return alias;
-/* By:        Unknown
- * Modified    David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:    Format a user friendly alias for a specified wwid.
- *             Will check and see if the wwid was already allocated
- *             in the binding file and if so use that above all else.
- *             If not wwid will asign alias depending on whether a filter
- *             is set and will add the new alias to the binding file.
- * Input:    *wwid - the wwid to base the name on.
- *             *filter - the user_friendly_filter otherwise NULL.
- *             *file    - path of binding file.
- * Output:    returns the user friendly alias.
- */
char *
-get_user_friendly_alias(char *wwid, char *file,char *filter)
+get_user_friendly_alias(char *wwid, char *file)
-    char upstream[256];
-    char out[256];
    char *alias;
    int fd, scan_fd, id;
    FILE *f;
    int can_write;

-    /* Open the binding file and run all checks. */
    if (!wwid || *wwid == '\0') {
        condlog(3, "Cannot find binding for empty WWID");
        return NULL;
@@ -390,34 +339,18 @@
        return NULL;
- - /* Decide what kind of name is going to be used either a filtered output
-     * or mpathX if no filter was set.*/
-    if(filter != NULL){
-        strcpy(upstream, "/bin/echo ");
-        strcat(upstream,wwid);
- execute_piped_program(upstream, 255, filter, 255, out); - }else{
-        strcpy(out, "mpath");
- } - - - /* check for wwid */
-    id = lookup_binding(f, wwid, &alias, out);
- - /* If there was a problem, returning NULL will set the alias to the wwid*/
+    id = lookup_binding(f, wwid, &alias);
    if (id < 0) {
        return NULL;
- } - - /* if wwid wasn't in the binding file write the new one*/ - if (!alias && can_write){ - alias = allocate_binding(fd, wwid, id,out); } - +
+    if (!alias && can_write)
+        alias = allocate_binding(fd, wwid, id);
diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/alias.h usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/alias.h --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/alias.h 2008-06-03 16:45:13.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/alias.h 2006-06-06 14:32:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -8,6 +8,5 @@
"# alias wwid\n" \

-char *get_user_friendly_alias(char *wwid, char *file,char *filter);
+char *get_user_friendly_alias(char *wwid, char *file);
char *get_user_friendly_wwid(char *alias, char *file);
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/alias.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/alias.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/blacklist.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/blacklist.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/callout.c usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/callout.c --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/callout.c 2008-06-12 18:48:54.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/callout.c 2006-06-06 14:32:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 * Copyrights of the source file apply
 * Copyright (c) 2004 Christophe Varoqui
- * Copyright (c) 2008 David Davidson
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@
#include "vector.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "debug.h"
-#include "callout.h"

#define PROGRAM_SIZE    100
@@ -30,167 +28,94 @@
    strncpy(to, from, sizeof(to)-1); \
} while (0)

-/* By: Christophe Varoqui - * Modified: David Davidson - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:        To execute a program at the system shell.
- * Input:        *path containing the command to be executed
- * Output:        *value containing the output of the command.
- *                 0 for success -1 if unsuccessful
- */
-int execute_program(char *path, char *value, int len){
-    // just pass it to the downstream of the pipe
- return execute_piped_program(NULL, 0, path, len, value); -}
-/* By:            David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:        To execute a program at the system shell.
- *                 We create a double piped set of child proccesses
- *                 that pass data one to aother and then returns the
- * final data to us. - * Input: *upstr_cmd and *downstr_cmd containing both commands
- *                 so "echo hi | cat" would have *upstr_cmd set to echo hi
- *                 and *downstr_cmd set to cat
- * Output:        *value containing the output of the command.
- *                 0 for success -1 if unsuccessful
- *          ----
- *          |P1|
- *          ----
- *              \
- *               ---------
- *                       |
- *   1|pipe1|0   1|pipe2|0
- * \ \ | - * \ | |
- *    ----    ----
- *    |P2|    |P3|
- *    ----    ----
- */
-int execute_piped_program(char *upstr_cmd, int upstr_len, char *downstr_cmd, int downstr_len, char *value) {
+int execute_program(char *path, char *value, int len)
    int retval;
+    int count;
    int status;
-    char *upstr_argv[PROGRAM_SIZE];
-    char *downstr_argv[PROGRAM_SIZE];
-    int pipefd1[2];
-    int pipefd2[2];
+    int fds[2];
+    pid_t pid;
+    char *pos;
+    char arg[PROGRAM_SIZE];
+    char *argv[sizeof(arg) / 2];
+    int i;

-    //create both pipes
-    //pipe 1 used to pass output of upstream to down stream
-    if (pipe(pipefd1) == -1) {
-        perror("Error in pipe");
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    //pipe 2 returns the down stream to the calling
-    if (pipe(pipefd2) == -1) {
-        perror("Error in pipe");
-        exit(1);
-    }
- - - // Create the downstream process and connect its standard input to the pipe
-    if (fork() == 0) {
-        format_command(downstr_argv, downstr_cmd);
-        dup2(pipefd1[0], 0);
-        close(pipefd1[1]);
-        dup2(pipefd2[1], 1);
- close(pipefd2[0]); - execv(downstr_argv[0], downstr_argv); - perror("Error in downstream");//should never get here. If we do error.
-        return -1;
+    i = 0;
+    if (strchr(path, ' ')) {
+        strfieldcpy(arg, path);
+        pos = arg;
+        while (pos != NULL) {
+            if (pos[0] == '\'') {
+                /* don't separate if in apostrophes */
+                pos++;
+                argv[i] = strsep(&pos, "\'");
+                while (pos[0] == ' ')
+                    pos++;
+            } else {
+                argv[i] = strsep(&pos, " ");
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+    } else {
+        argv[i++] = path;
- - // Create the upstream process and connect its standard output to the pipe
-    // Downstream must be used. Upstream is optional.
-    if ((upstr_len !=0) && (fork() == 0)) {
-        format_command(upstr_argv, upstr_cmd);
-        dup2(pipefd1[1], 1);
-        close(pipefd1[0]);
-        close(pipefd2[0]);
-        close(pipefd2[1]);
- execv(upstr_argv[0], upstr_argv);//should never get here. If we do error. - perror("Error in upstream");
+    argv[i] =  NULL;
+    retval = pipe(fds);
+    if (retval != 0)
        return -1;
- } - - //close the unused stream.
-    close(pipefd2[1]);
-    close(pipefd1[0]);
-    close(pipefd1[1]);
-    wait(&status);
- - retval = return_output(value,255,pipefd2[0]); - - if (!WIFEXITED(status) || (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0))
-                retval = -1;
-    return retval;

-/* By: Christophe Varoqui - * Modified:David Davidson - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:    Copies the data from a pipes out put to a
- *             character array that can be returned..
- * Input:    a pipe from calling procces accessed using read
- * Output:    *value containing the output of the command.
- *             0 for success -1 if unsuccessful
- */
-int return_output(char *value, int len,int fds){
-    int retval;
-    int count;
-    int i;
-            retval = 0;
-            i = 0;
-            while (1) {
-                count = read(fds, value + i, len - i-1);
-                if (count <= 0)
-                    break;

-                i += count;
-                if (i >= len-1) {
-                    retval = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
- - + pid = fork();

-            if (count < 0)
-                retval = -1;
+    switch(pid) {
+    case 0:
+        /* child */
+        close(STDOUT_FILENO);

-            if (i > 0 && value[i-1] == '\n')
-                i--;
-            value[i] = '\0';
- - return retval;
+        /* dup write side of pipe to STDOUT */
+        dup(fds[1]);

-/* By: Christophe Varoqui - * Modified:David Davidson - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:    formats a string passed as path in to a array
- *             that can be used by the execv() function.
- * Input:    *path containing stirng to run (ex "/bin/echo hi")
- * Output:    * argv[] containing aray of args (ex "'/bin/echo' 'hi'")
- */
-void format_command(char * argv[], char *path){ - int i;
+        retval = execv(argv[0], argv);

-    i = 0;
- if (strchr(path, ' ')) { - while (path != NULL) {
-            if (path[0] == '\'') {
-                // don't separate if in apostrophes
-                path++;
-                argv[i] = strsep(&path, "\'");
-                while (path[0] == ' ')
-                    path++;
-            } else {
-                argv[i] = strsep(&path, " ");
+        exit(-1);
+    case -1:
+        return -1;
+    default:
+        /* parent reads from fds[0] */
+        close(fds[1]);
+        retval = 0;
+        i = 0;
+        while (1) {
+            count = read(fds[0], value + i, len - i-1);
+            if (count <= 0)
+                break;
+            i += count;
+            if (i >= len-1) {
+                retval = -1;
+                break;
-            i++;
-    } else {
-        argv[i++] = path;
+        if (count < 0)
+            retval = -1;
+        if (i > 0 && value[i-1] == '\n')
+            i--;
+        value[i] = '\0';
+        wait(&status);
+        close(fds[0]);
+        if (!WIFEXITED(status) || (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0))
+            retval = -1;
-    argv[i] = NULL;
+    return retval;
extern int
apply_format (char * string, char * cmd, struct path * pp)
diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/callout.h usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/callout.h --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/callout.h 2008-06-12 17:12:14.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/callout.h 2006-06-06 14:32:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
#define _CALLOUT_H

int execute_program(char *, char *, int);
-int execute_piped_program(char *, int , char *, int , char *);
-void format_command(char **, char * );
-int return_output(char *, int, int);
-int apply_format(char *, char *, struct path *);
+int apply_format (char *, char *, struct path *);

#endif /* _CALLOUT_H */
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/callout.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/callout.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/config.h usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/config.h --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/config.h 2008-05-29 15:15:08.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/config.h 2008-01-14 20:34:36.000000000 -0500
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
    char * features;
    char * hwhandler;
    char * bindings_file;
-    char * name_filter;

    vector keywords;
    vector mptable;
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/config.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/config.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/configure.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/configure.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/debug.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/debug.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/defaults.h usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/defaults.h --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/defaults.h 2008-06-12 16:22:26.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/defaults.h 2006-06-06 14:32:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#define DEFAULT_GETUID        "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n"
-#define DEFAULT_NAME_FILTER    "/bin/cat"
#define DEFAULT_UDEVDIR        "/dev"
#define DEFAULT_SELECTOR    "round-robin 0"
#define DEFAULT_FEATURES    "0"
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/defaults.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/defaults.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/devmapper.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/devmapper.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/dict.c usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/dict.c --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/dict.c 2008-06-12 18:49:37.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/dict.c 2008-01-14 20:34:36.000000000 -0500
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006  Christophe Varoqui
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Benjamin Marzinski, Redhat
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Kiyoshi Ueda, NEC
- * Copyright (c) 2008 David Davidson
#include <checkers.h>

@@ -268,23 +267,6 @@
    return 0;
-/* By:        David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:    To set the global config structures member name_filter to
- *             a command line specified by the user_friendly_filter token
- *             in the config file (/etc/multipath.conf)
- * Output: 0 if successful 1 if unsuccessful. - */
-static int
-names_filter(vector strvec)
-    conf->name_filter = set_value(strvec);
-        if (!conf->name_filter)
-            return 1;
- - return push_callout(conf->name_filter); -}

static int
bindings_file_handler(vector strvec)
@@ -1550,24 +1532,6 @@
    return snprintf(buff, len, "yes");

-/* By:        David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose: To check whether the user specified a value for user_friendly_filter
- *             in the config file.
- * Output: 0 if no value was specified or value equals the one specified in default.h
- *             char * buff containing the value otherwise.
- */
-static int
-snprint_def_names_filter (char * buff, int len, void * data)
-    if (!conf->name_filter)
-            return 0;
- - if ((strlen(conf->name_filter) == strlen( DEFAULT_NAME_FILTER )) &&
-            (strcmp(conf->name_filter, DEFAULT_NAME_FILTER) != 0))
-            return 0;
- - return snprintf(buff, len, "%s", conf->name_filter);
static int
snprint_def_bindings_file (char * buff, int len, void * data)
@@ -1625,7 +1589,6 @@
install_keyword("no_path_retry", &def_no_path_retry_handler, &snprint_def_no_path_retry); install_keyword("pg_timeout", &def_pg_timeout_handler, &snprint_def_pg_timeout); install_keyword("user_friendly_names", &names_handler, &snprint_def_user_friendly_names); - install_keyword("user_friendly_filter", &names_filter, &snprint_def_names_filter); install_keyword("bindings_file", &bindings_file_handler, &snprint_def_bindings_file); __deprecated install_keyword("default_selector", &def_selector_handler, NULL); __deprecated install_keyword("default_path_grouping_policy", &def_pgpolicy_handler, NULL); Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/dict.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/dict.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/discovery.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/discovery.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/dmparser.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/dmparser.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/hwtable.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/hwtable.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/libmultipath-glibc.a and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/libmultipath-glibc.a differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/lock.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/lock.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/log.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/log.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/log_pthread.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/log_pthread.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/memory.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/memory.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/parser.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/parser.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/pgpolicies.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/pgpolicies.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/print.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/print.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/propsel.c usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/propsel.c --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/propsel.c 2008-06-12 18:48:08.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/propsel.c 2006-08-02 17:37:22.000000000 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Christophe Varoqui
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Benjamin Marzinski, Redhat
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Kiyoshi Ueda, NEC
- * Copyright (c) 2008 David Davidson
#include <stdio.h>

@@ -156,16 +155,6 @@
    return 0;

-/* By:        Unknown
- * Modified:David Davidson    - 06/12/2008
- * Purpose:    Sets the proper alias for this path depending on specified
- * naming instructions. If no naming option is set returns the wwid.
- *             as the alias.
- * Output:    Will set mp->alias depending on what is set in config file
- *             user_friendly_names:     will set the name to mpathXX
- * user_friendly_filter: will set it to the output of the cmd
- *             default:                the original wwid
- */
extern int
select_alias (struct multipath * mp)
@@ -173,13 +162,9 @@
        mp->alias = mp->mpe->alias;
    else {
        mp->alias = NULL;
-        if(conf->name_filter){
-            mp->alias = get_user_friendly_alias(mp->wwid,
-                    conf->bindings_file,conf->name_filter);
-        } else if (conf->user_friendly_names) {
+        if (conf->user_friendly_names)
            mp->alias = get_user_friendly_alias(mp->wwid,
-                    conf->bindings_file,NULL);
-        }
+                    conf->bindings_file);
        if (mp->alias == NULL){
            char *alias;
            if ((alias = MALLOC(WWID_SIZE)) != NULL){
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/propsel.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/propsel.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/regex.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/regex.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/structs.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/structs.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/structs_vec.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/structs_vec.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/switchgroup.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/switchgroup.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/uevent.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/uevent.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/util.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/util.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/uxsock.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/uxsock.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/vector.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/vector.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/libmultipath/waiter.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/libmultipath/waiter.o differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/main.c usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/main.c --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/main.c 2008-06-11 18:18:02.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/main.c 2007-11-09 19:01:59.000000000 -0500
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
    extern char *optarg;
    extern int optind;
    int i, r = 1;
- +
    if (getuid() != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "need to be root\n");
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/main.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/main.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/mpath_ctl and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/mpath_ctl differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/multipath and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/multipath differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath/multipath.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath/multipath.static differ diff -U 3 -H -d -r -N -x .cproject -x .project -- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath.conf.annotated usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath.conf.annotated --- root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipath.conf.annotated 2008-06-12 18:58:56.000000000 -0400 +++ usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipath.conf.annotated 2008-01-14 20:34:36.000000000 -0500
@@ -133,17 +133,6 @@
#    # values  : yes|no
#    # default : no
#    user_friendly_names no
-# -# # name : user_friendly_filter
-#    # scope   : multipath
-#    # desc    : If set to a command will use that command to format the
-# # user friendly name. Overrides user_friendly_names. Duplicates -# # will retain their old names. Overridden by wwids that were -# # previously used in binding file. Use full in clusters where -# # user wants to ensure that every user friendly name is the same for
-#    #            every node.
-#    # default :  "/bin/sed s|^.\{29\}\(.\{2\}\)\(.\{2\}\)|lun_\1_\2|"
-# user_friendly_filter "/bin/sed s|^.\{29\}\(.\{2\}\)\(.\{2\}\)|lun_\1_\2|"
#    #
#    # name    : bindings_file
Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/cli.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/cli.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/cli_handlers.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/cli_handlers.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/copy.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/copy.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/main.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/main.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/multipathd and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/multipathd differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/pidfile.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/pidfile.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/uxclnt.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/uxclnt.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/multipathd/uxlsnr.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/multipathd/uxlsnr.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_alua/main.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_alua/main.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_alua/mpath_prio_alua and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_alua/mpath_prio_alua differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_alua/mpath_prio_alua.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_alua/mpath_prio_alua.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_alua/rtpg.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_alua/rtpg.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_emc/mpath_prio_emc and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_emc/mpath_prio_emc differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_emc/mpath_prio_emc.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_emc/mpath_prio_emc.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_emc/pp_emc.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_emc/pp_emc.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/mpath_prio_hds_modular and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/mpath_prio_hds_modular differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/mpath_prio_hds_modular.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/mpath_prio_hds_modular.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/pp_hds_modular.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_hds_modular/pp_hds_modular.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_netapp/mpath_prio_ontap and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_netapp/mpath_prio_ontap differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_netapp/mpath_prio_ontap.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_netapp/mpath_prio_ontap.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_netapp/pp_netapp.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_netapp/pp_netapp.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_rdac/mpath_prio_rdac and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_rdac/mpath_prio_rdac differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_rdac/mpath_prio_rdac.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_rdac/mpath_prio_rdac.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_rdac/pp_rdac.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_rdac/pp_rdac.o differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_tpc/mpath_prio_tpc and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_tpc/mpath_prio_tpc differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_tpc/mpath_prio_tpc.static and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_tpc/mpath_prio_tpc.static differ Binary files root/workspace/multipath-tools-0.4.7/path_priority/pp_tpc/pp_tpc.o and usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/multipath-tools-0.4.7.rhel5.10/path_priority/pp_tpc/pp_tpc.o differ

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