Hello, I'd like to receive comments on this proposed tools output : >From this : iet_lun1 (0IET_____ISCSI___________00000000d20600000b00000000000000) [size=33 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"] \_ round-robin 0 [disabled] \_ 1:0:0:2 sdc 8:32 [ready ][failed] \_ 2:0:0:2 sde 8:64 [ready ][active] \_ 24:0:0:2 sdg 8:96 [ready ][active] \_ 25:0:0:2 sdi 8:128 [ready ][active] To that : iet_lun1 (0IET_____ISCSI___________00000000d20600000b00000000000000) [size=33 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"] \_ round-robin 0 D \_ 1:0:0:2 sdc 8:32 FA. \_ 2:0:0:2 sde 8:64 AA. \_ 24:0:0:2 sdg 8:96 AA. \_ 25:0:0:2 sdi 8:128 AA. PG status bit : A(ctive), D(isabled) or E(nabled) Path status bits : 1 = path state as seen by the kernel device mapper F(ailed) or A(ctive) 2 = path state as seen by checkers F(ailed), A(ctive), G(host), S(haky) or .(unchecked) 3 = claimed C(laimed) or .(unclaimed) I find it easier to eye-parse that way, but maybe others don't agree. Waiting for comments (not too long), regards, cvaroqui