Hello. I don't know if this is the proper place to post this, so please point me to the correct list if it isn't. I have a multipath SAN environment with storage controllers that are active/active. However, the controllers are not active/active at the LUN-level without a performance penalty, meaning if two servers want to see the same LUN (as in a clustered filesystem environment), they both need to be using the same controller. I'm trying to figure out a way to statically "order" the paths so that I can copy a config to all of the nodes using the CFS. >From what I've read, in a single-server environment with controllers such as the ones I'm dealing with, the path_grouping_policy should be set to "group_by_serial", which should work fine, but in a clustered environment, I need to be sure that the path ordering is the same. Are there any path_selectors, other than round-robin, that might accomplish this? Any other ideas? Thanks. I appreciate any information that can be offered. ~Chris