Translation: He is looking for an "expert" in linux hard disk encryption. Dear Markus, Your question is quite unspecific. I think it would be better if you post a plan of your setup, i.e. what you want to encrypt and why (against what attack scenario etc.). Then, the chances are good that one of the kind people on this mailing list will offer his/her opinion. If you are thinking about Cloud applications, there was a similar thread recently in connection with ownCloud: Best wishes, Lars On 09/30/2014 11:28 AM, Markus Gommel wrote: > Hallo, > > wir sind auf der Suche nach Linux Festplatten Verschlüsselung Eperten. > Hättet Ihr mir evtl. einen Tip? Evtl. zu Consultants, Experten o.ä.? > Für evtl. Rückfragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. > > Freundliche Grüße > *Markus Gommel* > IT Systemspezialist > Cloud Services _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx