No. cryptsetup does not know or understadnm tokens. You can read the passprase from stdin (see man-page) and thereby construct a wrapper involwing another software you have to supply that can deal with a token. But you should know than an RSA token does not provide any secret when used to authenticate. It proves that it knows a secret, but that secret is not transferred. Hence an RSA token is not suitable for use with disk encryption. Arno On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 15:47:52 CEST, marcos marrero wrote: > Good Morning, > > Is there any way that I LUKS can be edited where it allows a token + > password in order to decrypt the data? Everything that I find has to do > with a key file and I dont want to use a key file I want to use a token > (like an RSA token or google authenticator ) + password. Can you please > guide me in the right direction. > > Very Respectfully, > > > JR. > _______________________________________________ > dm-crypt mailing list > dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx > -- Arno Wagner, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Inform., Email: arno@xxxxxxxxxxx GnuPG: ID: CB5D9718 FP: 12D6 C03B 1B30 33BB 13CF B774 E35C 5FA1 CB5D 9718 ---- A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. - Plato _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx