Hello, I have a very stupid question concerning dm-crypt: I recently moved to a new laptop on which I installed Debian squeeze. On my previous laptop (which run Debian lenny) I used dm-crypt for USB sticks etc. and loop-AES for CDs/DVDs. In Debian squeeze, somehow loop-AES does not to work anymore (there are a couple of reports concerning that), but I read on your web page http://code.google.com/p/cryptsetup/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions that dm-crypt can also handle loop-AES encrypted devices. I create an encrypted DVD of the directory /tmp/encrypted_dvd using cd /tmp yes "" | dd of=/tmp/encrypted_dvd.iso bs=512 count=16 head -c 3705 /dev/urandom | uuencode -m - | head -n 66 | tail -n 65 | \ gpg --symmetric -a | dd of=/tmp/encrypted_dvd.iso conv=notrunc genisoimage -quiet -r /tmp/encrypted_dvd | \ aespipe -e AES128 -K /tmp/encrypted_dvd.iso -O 16 >> /tmp/encrypted_dvd.iso growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=8 -Z /dev/dvd=/tmp/encrypted_dvd.iso so that the first 8192 bytes contain the encrypted keys. Previously (with Debian lenny), I mounted the DVD using the options `ro,exec,loop,encryption=AES128,gpgkey=/dev/dvd,offset=8192' which does not work anymore (error message `ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument, requested cipher or key length (128 bits) not supported by kernel'). If I understood properly, the point is that cryptoloop support has been dropped from the squeeze kernel. In any case, I still need to read my old CDs/DVDs: How can I do that using cryptsetup? I read on the web page mentioned above that losetup /dev/loop0 /dev/dvd cryptsetup -c aes-plain -h sha256 create encrypted /dev/loop0 mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /media/encrypted_dvd should do it, but this does not work (/dev/mapper/encrypted is not an ISO9660 filesystem). I tried to add options -o 4 or -p 4 (I understood that the size is in blocks and that block size is 2048 bytes for DVDs), and also several other values such as 16 (block size 512). How do I have to call cryptsetup in my case? Many thanks for your kind help. Best regards, Markus Porto _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx http://www.saout.de/mailman/listinfo/dm-crypt