Re: Newbies - Question on unattended boot

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On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 02:24:48PM +0100, Xavi Montero wrote:
> Hi all.
> First, congrats to the coders that have made this available.
> Second, a question from a newbie in dm-crypt.
> How do I boot a protected system but not having to type the key at any  
> point? It is an unattended system.

Simple answer: You cannot. More complex answer: You need 
a tamper resistant device to hold the key. This means 
you have to build or buy special hardware. What depends
very much on the threat you face.

> The PC runs our software, but is located in another place, with another  
> people who don't have to have access to the system itself, but need the  
> machine to be local there. We reach the system over a DSL, via ssh.
> While I use Linux from a decade+ ago, I've never had the need to crypt  
> data on hard disks. Now I have a need, I initially though dm-crypt could  
> be the solution but I'm not sure of how to do a thing that maybe others  
> have already been exploring.
> I sell radio advertising of third-party broadcasters. We are automating  
> all and radios put a PC on each studio and we control it remotely. It is 
> needed locally because it is from there where the audio-spots are  
> casted, but we control when and where remotely. The software to put in  
> their PC is Linux-based and is ours.
> The radios are thousands of Km away and we do all on-line and by phone.  
> There are radios I've never seen in person.
> What I do up to now is to release a bootable ISO, the radio downloads it  
> and burns a CD. Boots from CD and the installer formats, installs and  
> then boots from the HD. The radio must then insert their net  
> configuration and config their router so I can access the machine from a  
> DSL line over ssh.
> Up to here, we have not used encription, because I trust very much the  
> people on the first stations I have had representation for.
> Now we are growing. We have 46 stations from other owners. As the  
> station number increases, I start to loose control of what they do with  
> that software and I don't want they "copying" the HD to give it to  
> "friends" and another person building a business that compete with me  
> based on my own system.

Ah, here we have the risk you want to protect against. Now we can
talk. Still not too specific. What exactly do you want to protect 
on the target system? The ads? The software that does them? Why
is the system worth anything without your maintenance/administration?
I would think that a copy is pretty useless to another radio station.

If your threat is a competitor stealing the technology, then how 
difficult is it really to build it from scratch? And do not forget
that the central side is not included in any stolen box.

> I therefore thought to crypt the partitions. If radios give the full HD  
> to a friend... hey! doesn't matter, if their friends do not know the  
> passphrase, will not be able to read the contents even having a 
> full-copy.
> To avoid people entering into the live system, it does not have any  
> tty's avaiable (no one can log from the Keyboard) so no way to "run the  
> system and enter on it". The only way to copy our soft is to extract the  
> HD and plug into another computer as secondary, or boot that machine  
> from a liveCD.
> a) I thought of install dm-crypt and set some kind of "auto-mount". Of  
> course if passphrase is as simple as "blank", then no secret is there,  
> and for the "friend" it is easy to try and enter. This is not a  
> solution. A passphrase should be there.
> b) Nevertheless, if I have a passphrase, -as that is in a REMOTE  
> location from me- I would have to ask the admins to insert the key by  
> hand, thus they would know it. They could give the phrase to their  
> friends. No sense. The passphrase must be secret (at least up to certain  
> point -ie: not "clearly known"-).
> So if the system must boot, must have a passphrase and nobody has to  
> type it, only 3 solutions appear in my mind:
> 1) A script contains somewhere instructions with the plain-pass-phrase.  
> Although this difficults from "plugging and seeing content", this is not  
> too difficult to track or discover.
> 2) A script or binary-exe contains some kind of bainary version of the  
> phrase. Performs "mounting". While rigorously "crackable", it is not  
> "obvious". For a person knowing enough as to do this, can "crack" the  
> system, but probably a person having such knowledge would build a clone  
> of my system from scratch instead of intending to re-use it.
> 3) A script "queries" the passphrase to a central sever at the  
> boot-time. This way if they "copy" the HD, the pass is not ther. Of  
> course this has a hughe-big-disastrous disadvantage: If the "key-server"  
> (in our office) fails and the radio has to reboot that machine they will  
> not be able to boot. Even not having the passphrease on the HD, I really  
> dislike this method because of the dependencies.
> What do you reccomend?
> Thanks to everybody for helping, and again to the coders/maintainters of  
> dm-crypt for the job done.
> Xavi.

I think as long as you do not control what hardware this is done on,
you have no chance at all with enecryption, all you can do is to 
make it a tiny bit more difficult. 

Even though there is no tty, what does prevent the other side from
installing your software in a virtualized environment and then just 
reading the key from a memory image? Right, nothing. Even physical 
access to memory is possible, just crash the machine, reboot fast 
without memory test and read the memory. Cooling the memory before 
that often makes it retain its contents for several minutes. And 
you can repeat this attack any number of times if it boots up and 
decrypts automatically.

Next risk: How should the boot image identify which computer it is on?
As long as you do not solve that, the image can be copied, regardless
of encryption. If your passphrase generator is not very careful before 
it unlocks something runs ans checks all the boot code and the whole 
susyem running so far, an attakcer could just run it with, e.g. a 
modified dm-cryopt that stores/prints the passphrase.

I think (and the histroy of IT security would agree) that this problem
can basically only be solved with a closed system with physcal 
intrusion deteceion, i.e. ship them a system in a stell box they
cannot open. Intrusion detection is typically done by having some
sensors that notice opening and attacks (light, IR, UV, extreme 
temperature, strong vibration, holes drilled in the chassis, etc.,
and you need all of them) and that then wipe a RAM that is kept up
by batteries that also power the intrusion detection system.

Depending on the level of effort an attacker is willing to spend,
you may get away with a box that is hard to open (e.g. a small safe).
You may also be able to do something contractual, so that they
have to give this box back and if it was opened it gets expensive
for them. The attack on this is to claim it was stolen.

My Advice: 

You need to analyze clearly what your risk is and what it means
in financial loss when the risk is realizes (the attack succeeds).
Then you need to understand the ciosts end risk reduction effect 
of possible countermeasures. Only then can you decide on 
what to do. Remember that IT security is risk management. That
in particular does mean it does not deal with absolute security,
but with risk reduction, i.e. reducing expected cost of attacks.
In some situations the best course of action is to do nothing at 

Some possible advice (may not be applicable as you have not stated
what you want to actually protect against):

- Forget about encryption. It will not help and will cost a lot
  to implement and support (remember it has to be tied to that 
  specific hardware and boot software to be worth anything).

- Implement a remote tamper detection scheme. You can, for example,
  do checksums over the ROM, the Disk serial, the CPU serial, all 
  kinds of application files, etc.. If it has been messed with, 
  verify what has happened. Have a contractual penalty in place
  in addition.

- Do only the initial intallation with the ISO and do the rest
  (the software you want to protect) over the network. Customize
  it for each customer so that you can identify who leaked it
  if leaked copies turn up. Have a legal reaction in place for
  that, e.g. a contract penalty. 

- Have the system both phone home (so that copies have a chance to 
  alert you) and require phone-in maintenance (and stop working 
  after, say 2 weeks without a phone in). 
  This depends on what you actually want to protect against, i.e.
  is it better to have a copy work initially and then fail 
  unpredictably, or is it better to not work at all? It could
  also exhibit random failures if unmaintanies (the sneaky option).

- Think about shipping a welded shut box or a locked safe to 
  the customer with the hardware inside. Would be expensive 
  and may or may not be worth it. May also give the hint to
  the customer that whatever is inside may be valuable.

You may also want to get IT security consulting on this if
the risk to you from a successful attack is bad enough. I
would offer my services commercially, but better get somebody
that understands the local cultural and legal boundary 
conditions. This type of consulting is not cheap, so whether
it is worthwhile having really depends on the potential
financial damage to you.


Arno Wagner, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Inform., CISSP -- Email: arno@xxxxxxxxxxx 
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