Hello, It seems like the reload and resize options are quite dangerous for luks devices. As documented in debian bugreport #428288, using reload on a luks device trashes it. See http://bugs.debian.org/428288 I just did some tests and was quite able to reproduce the described issues every time I tried, so I consider this as a serious issue. Originally the reload and resize options where implemented for plain dm-crypt devices, but it's possible to use them on luks devices as well, at least cryptsetup doesn't refuse to do so. The resize option gives an error if executed against an active luks device: # cryptsetup --size 4194304 resize test1 Command failed: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: invalid argument but it seems like this doesn't any harm to the underlaying device. At least e2fsck doesn't report any errors afterwards. The situation is different for the reload option. If I execute it against an active luks device, the whole device seems to be trashed afterwards. e2fsck gives tons of errors, and mount is not possible anymore. Clemens, I believe that both options are not meant to be used on luks devices. What do you think about implementing a check to cryptsetup which simply prohibits resize/reload if executed on a luks device? Or is it technically possible to adapt the options for luks devices? It would be really great to have a way to resize online/active luks devices. greetings, jonas --------------------------------------------------------------------- dm-crypt mailing list - http://www.saout.de/misc/dm-crypt/ To unsubscribe, e-mail: dm-crypt-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: dm-crypt-help@xxxxxxxx