Hi, I would like to know how much space Luks takes in the encryp. volume. That is, I would like to estimate, based on the device space and key size, an upper estimative. Why? Read on: I'm adding Gentoo Catalyst the ability to encrypt livecd's. The patches are functional and practically finished: http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~nhqb/gentoo/catalyst/catalyst_luks_02.patch http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~nhqb/gentoo/catalyst/genkernel_luks_cd2.patch but I'm using a very rough estimate: the cd's loop image (the thing I'm encrypting) usually takes at most 630 megas, now I'm adding 2930*512 bytes, not enough for livedvd's for instance, and too much for minicd's. BTW the luks performance, even for livecd's, is really good, thanks! Cheers, Nelson --------------------------------------------------------------------- dm-crypt mailing list - http://www.saout.de/misc/dm-crypt/ To unsubscribe, e-mail: dm-crypt-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: dm-crypt-help@xxxxxxxx