The NLT NL13676BC25-03F panel is a 15.6" LCD-TFT LVDS panel. It is a single port display unlike the NLT NL192108AC18-02D. Add a binding and a panel entry under panel-simple.c. Signed-off-by: Antonin Godard <antonin.godard@xxxxxxxxxxx> --- Antonin Godard (2): dt-bindings: display: simple: Add NLT NL13676BC25-03F panel drm/panel: simple: Add NLT NL13676BC25-03F panel entry .../bindings/display/panel/panel-simple.yaml | 2 ++ drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+) --- base-commit: 0fed89a961ea851945d23cc35beb59d6e56c0964 change-id: 20250313-b4-add-nlt-nl13676bc25-03f-6a88fbb5396c Best regards, -- Antonin Godard <antonin.godard@xxxxxxxxxxx>