[PATCH v1 8/8] arm64: dts: qcom: qcm6490-idp: Add sound card

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From: Mohammad Rafi Shaik <quic_mohs@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Add the sound card node with tested playback over WSA8835 speakers,
msm mic along with wcd9370 headset playabck and record.

Signed-off-by: Mohammad Rafi Shaik <quic_mohs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Co-developed-by: Prasad Kumpatla <quic_pkumpatl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Prasad Kumpatla <quic_pkumpatl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qcm6490-idp.dts | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qcm6490-idp.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qcm6490-idp.dts
index cbe11c6b6672..1c8b82bf6c1a 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qcm6490-idp.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/qcm6490-idp.dts
@@ -164,6 +164,94 @@ debug_vm_mem: debug-vm@d0600000 {
+	sound: sound {
+		compatible = "qcom,qcm6490-idp-sndcard";
+		model = "qcm6490-idp-snd-card";
+		audio-routing =
+			"SpkrLeft IN", "WSA_SPK1 OUT",
+			"SpkrRight IN", "WSA_SPK2 OUT",
+			"IN1_HPHL", "HPHL_OUT",
+			"IN2_HPHR", "HPHR_OUT",
+			"AMIC2", "MIC BIAS2",
+			"TX DMIC0", "MIC BIAS1",
+			"TX DMIC1", "MIC BIAS2",
+			"TX DMIC2", "MIC BIAS3",
+			"VA DMIC0", "VA MIC BIAS3",
+			"VA DMIC1", "VA MIC BIAS3",
+			"VA DMIC2", "VA MIC BIAS1",
+			"VA DMIC3", "VA MIC BIAS1";
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		wsa-dai-link {
+			link-name = "CODEC_DMA-LPAIF_WSA-RX-0";
+			cpu {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apmbedai WSA_CODEC_DMA_RX_0>;
+			};
+			codec {
+				sound-dai = <&left_spkr>, <&right_spkr>, <&swr2 0>,
+					    <&lpass_wsa_macro 0>;
+			};
+			platform {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apm>;
+			};
+		};
+		wcd-playback-dai-link {
+			link-name = "CODEC_DMA-LPAIF_RXTX-RX-0";
+			cpu {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apmbedai RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_0>;
+			};
+			codec {
+				sound-dai = <&wcd9370 0>, <&swr0 0>, <&lpass_rx_macro 0>;
+			};
+			platform {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apm>;
+			};
+		};
+		wcd-capture-dai-link {
+			link-name = "CODEC_DMA-LPAIF_RXTX-TX-3";
+			cpu {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apmbedai TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_3>;
+			};
+			codec {
+				sound-dai = <&wcd9370 1>, <&swr1 0>, <&lpass_tx_macro 0>;
+			};
+			platform {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apm>;
+			};
+		};
+		va-dai-link {
+			link-name = "CODEC_DMA-LPAIF_VA-TX-0";
+			cpu {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apmbedai VA_CODEC_DMA_TX_0>;
+			};
+			codec {
+				sound-dai = <&lpass_va_macro 0>;
+			};
+			platform {
+				sound-dai = <&q6apm>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
 	vph_pwr: vph-pwr-regulator {
 		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
 		regulator-name = "vph_pwr";
@@ -596,6 +684,60 @@ &lpass_wsa_macro {
 	status = "okay";
+&lpass_dmic01_clk {
+	drive-strength = <8>;
+	bias-disable;
+&lpass_dmic01_data {
+	bias-pull-down;
+&lpass_dmic23_clk {
+	drive-strength = <8>;
+	bias-disable;
+&lpass_dmic23_data {
+	bias-pull-down;
+&lpass_rx_swr_clk {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-disable;
+&lpass_rx_swr_data {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-bus-hold;
+&lpass_tx_swr_clk {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-disable;
+&lpass_tx_swr_data {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-bus-hold;
+&lpass_wsa_swr_clk {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-disable;
+&lpass_wsa_swr_data {
+	drive-strength = <2>;
+	slew-rate = <1>;
+	bias-bus-hold;
 &mdss {
 	status = "okay";

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